Friday, August 27, 2010


The second part of Herb Smith's 9/11 101 discussion with Vyz is now posted and available for download HERE.

More from Vyzygoth:

In addition to Herb’s and my discussion, Craig Ranke of Citizen Investigation Team joins in to give an overview of what his research has uncovered.

(Craig Ranke's 2009 interviews are available HERE and HERE.)

The third audio link is excerpted from our main interview. We first play CNN reporter Jamie McIntyre’s damage control appearance to supposedly debunk criticisms of his remarks as he covered the Pentagon “crash” live on Sept. 11, 2001.

In the damage-control piece, a few meaningless fragments of McIntyre’s original report are played beneath his damage-control monologue in which he states he saw thousands of metal shards, saw glass he somehow identified as having come from the plane’s cockpit, and saw part of the fuselage. He also said that his comment about no plane crashing anywhere near the Pentagon was given in answer to someone that had asked a question about a plane crashing near the Pentagon. McIntyre then “clarified” his remarks by stating he went on to say the only crash was at the Pentagon.

Unfortunately, that is not what he said in his original report. In that audio file, which we played second, McIntyre states that the debris is so small you could hold it in your hand, that there were no pieces of the plane that looked like a wing, tail or fuselage, and that there was nothing that would indicate that a plane had crashed into the side of the Pentagon. Would at the Pentagon be the same as the side of the Pentagon? I'm thinking: yes.

As you will hear for yourself, there are good reasons why CNN did not play the entirety of McIntyre’s original comments. This audio proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the damage-control piece was loaded with lies.

And, gee, why would that be?

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