Shortly after posting the program mentioned immediately below, Vyz received the following note from a listener:
Here's a memory that came back to me as I listened to Craig while pulling up weeds in the garden. I was working my mailman gig on 9/11, listening to the radio as I cased up my route. When I heard the news about the Trade Towers I was as amazed as everyone else around me. But having a suspicious mind forces one to immediately raise up the BS antenna whenever something like this happens. As the day went along and the news of the "plane flying into the Pentagon" reached my ears I knew immediately that something was very wrong.
The military has something called a CIWS (close in weapon system) which serves as a last line of defence. I remember hearing 'speculation' when I was in the Navy (late 70' early 80's) that systems similar to the Pheonix CIWS we had on our ship were in place on the Pentagon and the White House to protect against suicidal flyers or missiles. The CIWS is a automatic machine gun that fires spent uranium projectiles directed by a computerized radar system that controls everything. Turn it on and anything that gets in range is destroyed. Spent uranium projectiles will rip through anything that flies. I never heard any question from the media to the military about the presence of the CIWS. And as far as the videos of the event, I guarantee you that if an unauthorized ant is walking on the pentagon lawn, they have a hidef picture of it.
On that bizarre day in September I remember a gigantic WTF going through my mind when the tale of a plane hitting the Pentagon was told. I remember thinking: "How could those fools (and there are a lot of fools wearing brass) forget to turn on the CIWS system after planes had just hit the WTC and some planes were still unaccounted for?
Just a thought,