Sunday, September 10, 2006


Herb was driving through Ilion last night and met Todd Mongillo, who is involved with the company that made Loose Change. He sent a note about a 9/11 rally they are planning for Monday in Mohawk, with a Remembrance Walk to follow. 9/11 Truth speaks out in the Mohawk Valley!

Here is Todd's announcement:

. . .I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm trying to get a rally together in Mohawk in front of the park on Main Street right by the high school. As of right now only a few people are gonna show up cause of work conflicts and stuff along those lines. You guys are more than welcome to join after your radio show if you'd like. We'll probably be out there most of the day. Then at 6 PM there is a Rememberance Walk that starts in Ilion and goes right through Mohawk to Herkimer, at that point me and whoever else will be standing at the corner of Main Street and Route 28 in front of Laurence Paul's Fuels. If you can make it that'd be great, if not, understandable. Thanks for being a big help with this movement in the Valley.

Todd Mongillo
Sales Rep for Louder Than Words LLC

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