Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I have just composed and sent Victor Thorn a reply to his essay The Cancer: A Response. Why it should be so wearying trying to defend my right not to hate anyone, I don't know. Perhaps because it shouldn't be necessary at all.


Thanks for taking the time to respond at length to my letter. I see also
that you made your response the WING-TV essay du jour, and so I have posted
a link to your response, along with my original message to you, at our
website, Uticans for 9/11 Truth.

I think you're being disingenuous on the matter of hatred. If hatred wasn't
what you were expressing, does that mean that you love the Jews? That you
feel indifferent to them? Now, I'm not talking about the State of Israel or
the Zionists, who have much to answer for. In 9-11 Evil you were right to
cite their institutional or organizational wrongdoing. Every time I hear
the name "Rachel Corrie" or consider the plight of the Palestinians I feel
ill. But you slam Kevin Barrett as an "apologist" when he dares to suggest
that Jews of his acquaintence might be decent people. If that's not
hatred, it'll do until the real thing comes along.

[By the way, the expression is "NAMBY-pamby" derived from the name of poet
Ambrose Philips (1674-1749) who was given to writing verse of a sickly-sweet
nature in praise of childhood. I thought that you, as an author and
publisher, might appreciate knowing the correct phrase.]

Aside from the fact that you're the first person ever to imply that I'm
Politically Correct in any way, I have to say that your assessment of the
hatred coming from the run-of-the-mill Jewry is overwrought. "All Jews hate
anyone who isn't Jewish." Does that include the Jews who went down South
trying to get civil rights for the blacks and got killed for their pains?
Does that include the Jews who have brought joy to millions through music,
acting, literature, and comedy? Did you ever laugh at a Marx Brothers
movie? They weren't Episcopalians, yet they were funny as hell--no
Political Correctness there.

I'm not doing "nothing," and in fact it doesn't bother me that certain rabid
types might call me an anti-Semite for conceding (as I have in my Amazon
review of 9-11 Evil
) that you raise certain valid points regarding Israel's
complicity in the events of 9/11. I've been called names my whole life, and
I don't answer to any of them. Where I think you're wrong is in saying that
the "perverted teachings of Judaism" (i.e., the Talmud) has warped every Jew
into a sociopathic pretzel. How many Jews actually know and follow the
Talmud? How many Christians know all the freaky stuff that's in the Bible?
I'd say that most Catholics don't know it at all. Yet I'll venture to say
that knowledge of the Bible among believers is much more common than any
knowledge of the Talmud, which is more esoteric, among Jews. Jews know the
Torah, perhaps, but not so much the other. But supposing you're right. . .

So this is "war" with the Jews, is it? Then how do we fight it? "Don't
fire until you see the hooks of their noses?" Many have already had their
noses fixed. So how do we tell them apart from us? Will it be that
telltale whiff of gefilte fish? A stray crumb from a Kosher macaroon? Or
will it be the indefinable air of superiority of the Chosen? Name tags
would be a big help.

Seriously, I can't buy it. Not because I'm intoxicated by mainstream media.
I don't watch television. Our local newspaper is for the dog to urinate on.
Nor do I much get into the Amy and Noam Show. WING-TV is actually one of
the few things I've followed (and I have linked you to our site) owing to
your fine work on the WTC and Shanksville. If I imbibe other media at all,
it's generally pre-1940 music, old-time radio, and classic movies. So, I'm
about as far out of the "Matrix" as you can get. And I'm still not buying
it. So if I'm getting disinfo, I'm getting it either from you or from
Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra. (Or maybe it's those rascally Marx
Brothers, at that.)

I'm not paranoid enough to sit home cleaning my guns waiting for Shylock and
Barabas (or Sheldon and Irving) to break in to ravish my wife and steal my
piano. First of all, my wife is descended from Eleanor of Aquitaine and
teaches middle school. She can take care of herself. Second of all, it
just ain't gonna happen, metaphorically or otherwise.

The Israeli/Zionist juggernaut does wield considerable power, but it isn't
the only player in this scrimmage. Why is it all the Jewish studio heads
fell into submission in 1934 at the behest of the Vatican? The Breen Office
ruled Hollywood, and dictated content, for 20 years--and Joe Breen was one
nasty mother superior. And the Freemasons are not to been lightly brushed
aside--I've talked to people who've had their lives ruined by falling afoul
of the Masons. And the Saudis own how much of this country? And the
Chinese own how much?

If our way of life is at stake, it isn't the Jew World Order that's
threatening us. "Going after the Jews" is just another quick-fix, feel-good
response for those who can't fathom the true complexity of the world's power
structure. (Or is that just what THEY would want me to think?)

Egad! I've spent enough time in this particular rabbit hole tonight.
Suddenly, I desire nothing more than to watch "Duck Soup"
again--particularly the scene where Chico Marx says, "Who are you gonna
believe--me, or your own eyes?" Words to live by.


Andy Senior