Monday, November 06, 2006

Letter to the Observer Dispatch

(Should be appearing soon. Here it is in unedited form.)

The collapses of the World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11 exhibited all the features of a controlled demolition. WTC -7 fell suddenly into its own footprint at free-fall speed. The Towers came down centered around their vertical axes with 500 ft. lateral ejections of massive steel beams and the pulverization of virtually all of the non-metallic material into fine powder.
The manner in which the buildings collapsed is inconsistent with the official theory of fire-induced, gravitational collapses. The discrepancy proves so problematic that NIST, who produced the definitive government report on the collapses of the Towers simply chose not to address it. (Nor does NIST address WTC-7.) The NIST report "does not include the structural behavior of the Tower(s) after conditions for collapse initiation were reached." Further, NIST obtained collapse initiation via computer simulations which they refuse to release.
What else could this indicate but a cover-up and high-level government complicity?

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