Monday, December 17, 2007


According to Daniel Estulin, the Elites are planning to whack Ron Paul. That's it, boys and girls--he's made the Big Time. Within weeks he should start seeing the Black Panthers on his front lawn.

Also, it seems to me that journalist Estulin

bears an uncanny resemblance to 1920s jazz cornet legend Bix Beiderbecke.

And here's more footage of that cool blimp:

I just can't get enough of this stuff!


Anonymous said...

For once I have to disagree, Andy. Daniel Estulin looks more like Anton LaVey than even LaVey does.

Andy said...

It's the goatee. The only picture I ever saw of LaVey was that fake one next to Kerry, where LaVey had the shaved head. Google time!

But I think he really looks like Bix after he had gone to seed and started imagining Mexicans under his bed.

Andy said...

I just looked at a slew of images of LaVey. Ecch. Now I have to spend half an hour thinking about sunshine and kittens and puppies.

I stand by my previous assessment. Estulin is Beiderbecke's doppelganger.

But thanks for the blimp link used in this post.