"The cold passion for truth hunts in no pack" -- Robinson Jeffers
Careful guys, or you'll have the gatekeepers gunning for you! LOL
Yeah, we're scared.
Here is an even cleaner version of September Clues You can now download:It shows all 5 network sources and contrary to Mr. Lawson gives the network archives for Your comparison.http://network76.com/(please copy and paste the above in Your browser)There is much to see, and it isn't just about what kind of airframe we were shown, if any. See for Yourself.
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Careful guys, or you'll have the gatekeepers gunning for you! LOL
Yeah, we're scared.
Here is an even cleaner version of September Clues You can now download:
It shows all 5 network sources and contrary to Mr. Lawson gives the network archives for Your comparison.
(please copy and paste the above in Your browser)
There is much to see, and it isn't just about what kind of airframe we were shown, if any.
See for Yourself.
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