UPDATE (9/24/2008): The ad copy reads, "Realize Your Sweet Dreams. Collect Elite Packages and Fly To America." Just who is doing the dreaming here? (Thanks again to Vyz.)
UPDATE (9/22/2008): This Israeli magazine ad for Elite Candy Bars actually falls into the category of "predictive programming" (or at the very least "unsettling coincidence") since it appeared between 1997 and 2000. (Thanks to Vyz for this image--and for the update.)

OK, that's sick. But is it predictive programming or post-facto bragging about the Mossad's helpful role in the attacks? What's the date on that image/ad?
It might have been before the attacks. Vyz didn't say, but he's more interested in the predictive programming aspect of such material, so it probably predated Sept 11, '01. I'd like to determine the exact date of the ad as well.
I'm pretty sure it predated 9/11/01.
It's a contest ad for which the winner is awarded a trip to NY on Tower Airlines.
The name "Elite" is sure to bring a lot of interesting associations to mind, as well.
The Long Kiss Goodnight, VHS video copy written in 1997 is another case of predictive programming.
A cia type talks about blowing up a prominant building in New York and blaming it on the Muslims. The reason was to get additional funding. "Looks like we have to kill 4,000 of our own people for real to get the funding."
Zionist Jews who perpetuate these wars are only about 5% of the jewish population and they are not jews but according to Jack Otto descedndents of Kazar Warriors from Turkey.
If you google Jack Otto you will find an hour history lesson we should all be aware of. It explains the why of world chaos.
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