Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Kick in Our Crystal Balls

Positive, adj.: Mistaken at the top of one's voice. -- Ambrose Bierce

Okay. We admit it. We were wrong, wrong, wrong. But so were all those other dime-store Nostradamuses who proclaimed that Hillary Clinton would be the next President of the United States. We figured that They always get the one in office that They want; that the matter of the Presidential selection is foreordained many years in advance--and that the logical and symmetrical progression that They favored was Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton. The late Kent Daniel Bentkowski heard this from some Illuminati insider in the 1990s, and Victor Thorn cheerfully stated that it was a foregone conclusion. And, like dogs barking idiotically in the night (to borrow a phrase from H.L. Mencken), we picked up the news and told anyone who would listen: It's gotta be Hillary in '08.

Boy, did we feel brilliant with an inside scoop like this. It was just going to happen, that's all. Why? Because. Because They have so decreed.

But predicting the future is always a mug's game.

Boy, were we wrong. El wrongo. Wrongalicious. Wrongkonkoma, New York.

So, yeah, we feel like idiots here. But in a more profound sense it's truly liberating knowing that nobody has an inside track on the future. In other words, whenever you hear dire predictions of an apocalyptic sort (and a Hillary win sure seemed apocalyptic to us), it's just crap. It may set your adrenals a-tingle, but the little-league Edgar Cayce who's selling that stuff (and likely gold and MREs besides) hasn't a bloody clue.

(This observation also applies to a certain Mr. Tarpley who has stated that we should all be soiling our knickers about now because Obama is undoubtedly the next Mussolini. Naturally, the same Mr. Tarpley has two prolix books to sell on the topic.)

(Be very afraid--but stop by on your way to the bomb shelter.)

We here resolve never to speak with certainty on anything that has not yet happened. It cannot be done.

If you ever catch us again trying to divine future events in tea leaves or in the entrails of sheep, please slap us.

Que sera sera
, Baby.


Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourselves, I missed it too, but I believe that one or two things happened: 1)Hillary accumulated too much baggage as the process went forth and there was no other choice but to dump her; 2) the plan was to have Hillary, a good soldier in the NWO, run interference, draw the flak, and let Obama gain much ground before he got lined up in America's crosshairs.

The more crucial point is that we knew They had to stick a Democratic regime in the White House to further implement The Plan, which calls for an FDR-like sovietization of this nation to better assimilate it into a global order.

Expanded social programs can never and would never be something that the GOP would be placed in charge of, though the seeds of this "need" for sovietization were planted during the GOP reign.

Lastly, all should check out the timelines, the events and the parties in charge prior to the last two world wars.

The significance will not be lost on you.

Anonymous said...


2006 MAN !!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!


Barack Obama, the Most Dangerous Man in America?
Tuesday October 24, 2006
It's official! Senator Barack Obama MUST be running for president in 2008... because yesterday, a well-connected bellwether of ultra-conservative thought has declared the senator "The Most Dangerous Man In America."

Yup. From the very same folks at GOPUSA, who brought us Jeff Gannon, fake White House reporter turned pricey gay escort, comes a editorial by one of its writers who fearfully declares:

"Obama is smart enough to dance around (his) votes should he decide to run for president, cloaking his liberal positions in reasonable sounding rhetoric about a new generation with new ideas, etc., but he is also liberal enough to be the most dangerous man in America if he is elected."

Of course, as the world knows, Senator Obama admitted two days ago on NBC's Meet the Press that "Yes, it's fair" to say that he's "thinking about running for president in 2008."

President Barack Obama?
Is Senator Obama is running for the presidency in 2008? Yes. Definitely. Why not?

And he should. With his moderate, common-sense stances and religious-based moral sense, Barack Obama may well be the right person at the right time to heal our wounded country from the fiscally and morally bankrupt agenda of the Bush Administration.

And as a bonus, Obama is an inspiring leader with an uplifting story... and God knows the US badly needs some fresh inspiration.

Will he win the Democratic nomination for 2008? Probably.

Will he win the 2008 presidential race? It's too early to tell.

Republican Swift-Boaters haven't yet cranked up their ugly vendetta on Obama, and sadly, that will be factor in any race for the White House.

But with the newly-conferred "most dangerous man in America" moniker, the paranoid-loony wing of the Republican party has, indeed, started their usual smear-and-fear tactics.

Still Fighting the 1960s Battles: Hippies vs. Frat Boys
One remarkably insightful statement Obama made on NBC's Meet the Press captures my attention:

"MR. RUSSERT: You do write this, and it’s a very interesting observation, 'When you watch Clinton vs. Gingrich or Gore vs. Bush or Kerry vs. Bush'—so that’s ‘98, 2000, 2004--' you feel like these are fights that were taking place back in dorm rooms in the sixties. Vietnam, civil rights, the sexual revolution, the role of government - all that stuff has just been playing itself out, and I think people sort of feel like, Okay, let’s not re-litigate the sixties 40 years later.' Are you suggesting that those political players are, are the past and you represent a new generation that won’t get caught or bogged down in those kinds of debates?

SEN. OBAMA: I think, I think the categories we’ve been using were forged in the ‘60s. You know, I think the arguments about big government vs. small government, the arguments about, you know, the sexual revolution, military vs. nonmilitary solutions to problems. I think, in each and every instance, a lot of what we think about is shaped by the ‘60s, and partly, you know, the baby boomers is—are a big demographic... Our politics isn’t that different, and my suggestion is that—take the example of big government vs. small government.

My instinct is is that the current generation is more interested in smart government. Let’s have enough government to get the job done. If, if we’re looking at problems, if the market solution works, let’s go with the market solution. If a solution requires government intervention, let’s do that. But let’s look at what are the practical outcomes. And I think that kind of politics is what the country’s hungry for right now."

Obama is Dead-on Correct
Obama is dead-on correct. Except for us baby boomers, the US electorate is deeply tired of replaying the same old hippies-versus-frat-boys fights of the late 1960s and early 1970s. And that includes all the old Bush-Gore, Bush-Clinton, Clinton-Gore, Bush-Cheney and Bush-Kerry tiffs and brouhahas of the past 16 years.

Senator Barack Obama is ten years younger than the baby-boomer political leadership clan. And he's light years fresher and sharper, as evidenced by reports that his every campaign appearance this 2006 election season is jam-packed with enthusiastic youthful supporters.

Barack Obama in 2008? Yes. why not?

Does that make him the most dangerous man in America? To avid Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld supporters and those who long to continue fighting campus battles of the baby boom generation, probably YES.

For those in 2006 who yearn to hold onto the political past, Bob Dylan's 1964 words of warning still seem eerily applicable today:

"Come mothers and fathers all over this land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughter are beyond your command
Your old role is rapidly aging
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a changing... "

President Barack Obama? It has a nice ring.

Andy said...

God damn, I'm tired.

I knew when I removed the block on anonymous comments there'd be trouble.

I really don't give a rat's ass who's POTUS as long as he leaves me the fuck alone. If he gets intrusive, I'll react appropriately. I tend to be at odds with whoever is sitting in the big chair.

You may not have a life, but at least this last comment isn't a string of Bible quotes. I'll grant you that.

Anonymous said...

I really don't give a rat's ass who's POTUS as long as he leaves me the fuck alone. If he gets intrusive, I'll react appropriately. I tend to be at odds with whoever is sitting in the big chair.

Yeh right on andy sit in the big chair and use it!


Anonymous said...



Andy said...

I don't take anything out on God. We go way back--He's an old drinking buddy of mine.

We used to sit up late nights deciding who deserved to get a cerebral hemorrhage. Laughs? You bet.

After I got married we drifted apart, but I still send Him a card on His birthday.

You're welcome to all the free speech you can handle. Have fun. But if I detect any roughhousing, I'm closing the pool--and calling your parents.

Anonymous said...

1 Verily, I say unto you, he speaks the truth. But what a cheap bastard was he who never paid for a round of beers.

2 Also, he would wait for Me to go to the john and stick his finger in My beer, forgetting that I am omniscient and I see all things.

3 Indeed, he was such an obnoxious jerk that it is just as well that he went forth to multiply. He thought he was funny, and I would laugh at his jokes out of compassion for his folly.

4 Speaking of cerebral hemorrhages, it would be well and fitting for him to be so assailed on the Sabbath Morning when he is having knowledge of that cute wife of his rather than visiting Me at My house.

5 Not that I'm threatening. I'm just saying.

Anonymous said...

You need to get vyzygoth to cover this phenomenom. It is real and is unpresidented! and it is scary and very blasphemous.
open that page with pics enabled look at the hard facts
Ibelieve he may be the islamic mahdi figure- you may think that is crazy but
the muslims iclding the leader of both iran and hammas say they are in contact with this mahdi figure who will rescue the world in a time of global war between islam and the west and a time of global finacial trouble- the mahdi they say will distribute wealth to the poor and bring world justice.

Anonymous said...


"Imam al Mahdi will reveal justice and installment and will be published uniformity across the globe, and re-link the right relationship of God with humans after regrettably interrupted by the ego." -Al-Yamani.

"[W]hen Mahdism reoccurs, and it will, almost certainly it will greatly outstrip today's merely Islamic fundamentalist-based terror on several levels: revolutionary power, mass appeal, Islamic legitimacy, and political, as well as military, threat to Middle Eastern and Muslim governments as well as to the United States and the West. For Mahdists...are not bound even by the loose fetters of tradition and rules of engagement that might constrain a mere fundamentalist Islamic leader. All the rules are off when a Mahdi is on the stage" [from Holiest Wars, pp. 162-63).

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Debating the Mahdi

Watching the last Presidential debate of 2008 last night, I started to wonder: rather than make tactical attacks on the 12th Imam's, er, Barack Obama's voting record and associations with nuts in ACORN, why couldn't McCain scale the strategic heights and simply make three important points?
1) Senator BHO is a quasi-socialist, believing--as his remarks to Joe the Plumber indicate--that it is the government's job to redistribute wealth. I, however, am a believer in a free market that also takes care of the less fortunate, but without redistribution. If you believe it's the government's job to be Robin Hood during a recession--a sure-fire way to further drive down the economy--vote for him. If you believe it's not, vote for me.
2) Senator BHO does not believe that there is such a thing as Islamic terrorism. My friends, there is. And while most Muslims, especially in the U.S., are good law-abiding folks, it cannot be denied that the major ideology used to justify terrorism today IS a variant of Islam. We cannot hope to defeat that ideology if we pretend it doesn't even exist. If you think Usama bin Ladin, Mahmud Ahmadinezhad, Ayman al-Zawahiri and their ilk are motivated by something OTHER than Islam, vote for my opponent. If you think their understanding of Islam might have SOMETHING to do with their violence, terrorism and hate, vote for me.
3) Senator BHO is a good man but he lacks the experience to be President of the U.S. at this critical time in history. Perhaps after my one or two terms as President, after he has more experience, you can vote for him again. But right now, I am the logical choice to lead the Free World. If you think 160 days in the U.S. Senate qualifies a man to be President, vote for him; if you think that five terms in the Senate, on top of two terms in Congress and--more importantly--combat and POW experience in the U.S. military is more qualifying, vote for me.

Thank you. And God bless America.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mahd[i] about Obama
As we're all painfully aware of by now, some of Barack Hussein Obama's liberal legions of supporters harbor messianic expectations about him--and I'm not referring just to journalists. Over on the other side of the political spectrum, there are evangelical Christians who have seasoned their eschatological stew with Mahdist spices, and in fact kicked things up a notch by claiming that the Mahdi of Islam will be the Antichrist of Christianity. It was probably inevitable that these two ideological currents would eventually flow together, as evidenced by emails to this site recently:
"Barack HUSSEIN is probably Islam's mahdi.....1400 year old Islamic prophecy says this mahdi will be named HUSSEIN.. I have reference for this...The masses have called b. Obama the messiah... Say he walks on water, the chosen..etc..The entire world is for Obama...looks like anti Christ to me.. And the mahdi to muslims....
This 12th imam named HUSSEIN will promise peace, unity, brotherhood hood and the kingdom of god on earth.. OBAMA HAS PROMISED THIS TO AMERICANS...while he gives all America's money to the u.n. And Muslim nations..Obama plans for USA to enforce the U.N.s law forbidding defamation against religions..This will stop the real truth about Islam lies and will cause persecution and death among Christians, etc...This man is not what he appears to be and America will know it soon..Not to mention the fact Obama was a Muslim when he was 6 to 10 years old ...and even took the shahada recently in the presence of a newspaperman....Taking the shahada is the only requirement to become Muslim. And Obama knows this ...He wears Muslim garb.. And.. His so called church is pro Islamic and and anti-white, anti-American and anti-Christian.."
There you have it. A vote for BHO is a vote for the Mahdi. Someone alert Ahmadinezhad--and the Clinton campaign!
11:07 am est

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Post-Messiah Stress Syndrome?

Most politically-astute Americans have noticed, by now in this Presidential campaign, that some of Barack Husayn Obama's supporters hold, shall we say, a rather elevated view of him--many have even termed this "messianic." I have received emails here from both Muslims and non-Muslims speculating whether Barack Husayn Obama might be, if not the Second Coming of Jesus, then the Mahdi (which, for some evangelical Christians, equates to the Anti-christ). Suffice it to say, then, that the Presidential campaign of BHO is fraught with eschatological overtones for a fair number of people, American and foreign, especially those supporting him who do cast him in something of a messianic role.
Richard Miniter over on PajamasMedia has commented on the political and, to some extent, the psychological fallout among BHO supporters from an Obama defeat (; but considering the truly eschatological import which some Obamaites attach to his winning the Presidency, I think that "Post-Messiah Stress Syndrome" is a good term for the existential despondency we can expect should McCain win. And not just among Americans on the Left; there will be blood and tears in the foreign press, especially in the Middle East and Islamic world, over this missed opportunity for America and the world. America will be branded, by some of its own (Democratic) citizens, and by too many foreigners (especially, but not only, Muslim), as not just dishonest (Republicans will have stolen the election) and racist but frankly anti-messianic. Mark my words.
9:03 am est

Anonymous said...

"We may in fact have finally found that bridge to the 21st century that Bill Clinton told us about. Its name is Obama. "
Andrew Sullivan
Goodbye to All That: Why Obama Matters,2007 The Atlantic.

:Also, note the victimization/conspiracy theory aspect to the belief system. If the Mahdi is truly God's "rightly-guided one"--as the name means in Arabic--then how could non-Muslims (even those as nefarious as Bush and Blair) hope to hide his appearance?

It is also quite interesting--and hopeful?--that at least some Shi`is believe that the Mahdi will number Christians among his followers. Is this perhaps "A BRIDGE" to 21st century Western-Muslim ecumenical rapproachment?:
3:20 pm est

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 today points out the messianic hopes regarding Barack Obama among his supporters, including Oprah Winfrey (
To be fair, Ben Shapiro was all over Barack the Anointed almost a year ago (
Since Obama was at one point in his life at least quasi-Muslim, is it beyond the realm of possibility that some in the Islamic world might be willing to view him as the Mahdi, as well? (As Andrew Sullivan comes close to doing in the latest issue of "The Atlantic Monthly" (
11:05 pm est

"They say the Mahdi is coming back

Oct 25th 2007 | DAMASCUS
From The Economist print edition
Why Basra's Shias think their hidden imam will soon return

“I HAVE this question for you,” says Abu Ahmed, a businessman with a grey beard from Iraq's southern city of Basra. “Why did the British and foreign forces come to Iraq? Didn't Bush and Blair invade to stop the Mahdi from winning power?” It is unlikely that either George Bush or Tony Blair, as they prepared for war, had heard of the Mahdi—the millennial figure who Shia Muslims believe will come with the Messiah to set up a just Islamist government at the end of the world. Shias, a large majority in Basra, believe that the returning Mahdi will be their 12th imam, Muhammad bin Hassan, who was born in 868AD. They say he never died but was hidden from human view, in “occultation”; he will reappear to rescue his people at a time of unprecedented calamity, torture and persecution—ie, now. The businessman says the invasion was a deliberate attempt to cause so much chaos that the Mahdi's return would be hidden from the world's gaze...."
(Complete story available here: .)

ON Monday, October 23, 2006
Nancy Pelosi's Not the Only One Picking Out an Office...
According to "Iran Press News:"
احمدی نژاد و نصرالله با امام زمان ارتباط دارند، ولی بروی خود نمیاورند

"Ahmadinezhad and Nasrallah are in contact with the Imam-i Zaman....;" that is, with the Hidden Imam, soon to return as the Awaited Mahdi.

Here's the link:

[Special thanks to Mr. Brian Kranick for alerting me to this!]
8:00 am est

The press will not give you the link but we who see through their lies and distortion and we already know the truth.

Below is a comment on barack and his contact with Nasrallah and how it has been very favourable.
The man whom Ahmadinezhad and Nasrallah had been in contact with in , October , 2006 and whom they say is the hidden imam, the soon to return as the awaited mahdi, is non other than barack hussien obama.

Title: barack should be awarded a medal by nasrallah

Name: paulo2005
City: lisbon State: portugal

Barack has done a lot to reinforce hezzbolah. He suported the latest deal that greatly strenghten Hezbollah. A few years ago he declared that if he were palestinian he would have joined the resistance against Israel.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Confirmed: MSM Holds Video Of Barack Obama Attending Jew-Bash & Toasting a Former PLO Operative... Refuse to Release the Video!

Introduction: The LA Times is holding a video that shows Barack Obama celebrating with a group of Palestinians who are openly hostile towards Israel. Barack Obama even gives a toast to a former PLO operative at this celebration. If the American public saw this side of Barack Obama he would never be elected president.
But, the media refuses to release this video.

LA Times writer Peter Wallsten wrote about Barack Obama's close association with former Palestinian operative Rashid Khalidi back in April.
Wallsten discussed a dinner held back in 2003 in honor of Khalidi, a critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights.
Barack Obama has denied his close association with Khalidi, too.

According to Wallsten the evening not surprisingly turned into a classic Jew-bash:

"During the dinner a young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, "then you will never see a day of peace."

One speaker likened "Zionist settlers on the West Bank" to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been "blinded by ideology."

Barack Obama also praised the former PLO operative during the event.
And, Obama confessed that his family often shared dinner with the Khalidis:

His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been "consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases... It's for that reason that I'm hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation -- a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid's dinner table," but around "this entire world."

...The event was videotaped, and a copy of the tape was obtained by The Times.

Khalidi and the Obamas were great friends in Chicago and often shared meals together.
By the way, Khalidi was also best friends with Bill Ayers.
Ahmadinejad, Nasrallah meet in Damascus

Iranian leader meets Hizbullah secretary-general during Syria visit. In meeting with President Assad, he says Iran and Syria 'are united against the enemies of both countries.' Ahmadinejad also set to meet with leaders of terror organizations residing in Damascus

Dudi Cohen
Latest Update: 07.19.07, 21:18 / Israel News

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in Damascus on Thursday evening, according to the official Iranian news agency IRNA

The global finacial meltdown was orchestrated for one purpose THE RISE OF THE MAN BARACK HUSSIEN OBAMA WHO WILL SOLVE IT.

"Furthermore, the Mahdi will also function as something of a global "Robin Hood," redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor--a function which Hizbullah and the Islamic Republic of Iran are already engaging in."

Anonymous said...

Friday, November 10, 2006
The Mahdi...a Democrat?
The head of al-Qa`idah in Iraq "hails the defeat of Republicans in the US mid-term polls" and says that "Democrats' victory in Tuesday's Congressional elections was a move in the right direction." (

Maybe Nancy Pelosi should save one of those soon-to-be-vacated GOP offices for the Mahdi, when he comes. Seems he won't be caucussing with the Republicans. (No word yet on what sorts of drapes he'll prefer.)
12:39 pm est

Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Springtime for the Mahdi?

On Christmas Day IRIB, the English-language radio voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, posted a long, rambling--but revealing--transcript of a program entitled "The World toward Illumination" ( This appears to be the penultimate espisode in a series of broadcasts on predicting when the Mahdi/Hidden Imam will come. Several Western websites and blogs have been claiming that this document predicts the Mahdi will come in the spring of 2007--but this is untrue. What it actually says is the spring equinox is but one of the possible dates for his appearance, along with a Friday, or the 10th of Muharram, or the 25th of Zhu al-Qa`dah. No year is specified, however. Furthermore, the author(s) also take care to point out that "only God knows about the exact timing of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi..." Eschatologists (almost) always hedge their bets.

The rest of "The World toward Illumination" is an eclectic mix of mainstram Islamic escahtological thinking, typically Middle Eastern conspiracy theorizing and specifically Iranian pseudo-philosophical cultural critique of the West. The Mahdi needs to come because of "the unjust world order imposed by the so-called big powers." But the Mahdi will not only serve as a global Muslim Robin Hood, taking from the rich and giving to the poor; but he will also usher in "astounding growth of science and technology....The Mahdi will correct man's scientific mistakes and bring up new and astonishing methods that had never occurred to man before." He will also unite humanity--under the banner of Islam, of course--and create a "justice-spreading universal government...." Of course "expansionists [neocons?] may be averse to such concepts," but they will fail to stop him.
"After his uprising from Mecca all of Arabia will be submit [sic] to him and then other parts of the world as he marches upon Iraq and established [sic] his seat of global government in the city of Kufa. Then the Imam [Mahdi] will send 10 thousand of his forces to the east and the west to uproot the oppressors." This is interesting, both because it does not posit the Mahdi emerging from Iran but from Arabia--thus dovetailing with Sunni beliefs about the Mahdi--and it predicts that Kufa, in southern Iraq, will be the seat of the Mahdiyah. I wonder if the Jim Baker and Lee Hamilton will have to reconvene their study group and recommend we negotiate with the Mahdi?
The Mahdi's personal appearance is described, drawing on the usual hadiths (traditions): "radiant forehead, black piercing eyes and a broad chest," as well as "exuding the fragrance of paradise." He "will appear all of a sudden on the world scene with a voice from the skies announcing his reappearance at the holy Ka`ba in Mecca. The cloak and other special belongings of Prophet Muhammad...will be with him." (No explanation given as to how Muhammad's cloak, currently under lock and key in the old Ottoman sultan's palace in Istanbul, will make its way to Sa`udi Arabia.) The Mahdi will shortely thereafter move to Medina, where he will gather an army and defeat "Sofyani" (al-Sufyani), the traditional opponent of the Mahdi (likely modeled on an enemy of Muhammad in the 7th c. CE), who will have invaded from Syria and besieged Kufa. Sofyani will "commit great crimes against humanity in Iraq, slaughtering people who bear the names of the infallible Imams [that is, Shi`is]. But a "venerable, God-fearing individual from Iran...fights oppression and corruption and enters Iraq to lift the siege of Kufa and holy Najaf and to defeat...Sofyani....He then pledges allegiance to Imam Mahdi." Then Jesus descends from heaven (remember, in Islam he never died on the cross but was taken to heaven) and serves as the Mahdi's "lieutenant." "The seat of the Mahdi's global government will be the city of Kufa, where his headquarters will be the Sahla Mosque....From here he will dominate the east and the west to fill the earth with justice."
If the Mahdi has not yet come "it is not because the world is not full of oppression, but because the time must come for the people to be wise enough....Pure and sincere people must be trained in order to his implementation of global justice." (This process is already underway, with groups like the Imam Mahdi Scouts being trained as Mahdist cadres by Hizbullah in Lebanon.)
The rest of the document departs from this standard eschatological prognostication into paranoid, indeed bizarre, claims of the American media's support for Christian Zionism; for example, did you know that "more than 1500 TV networks, 80 000 priests [ministers, that is], 200 scientific institutes and colleges as well as Hollywood" are working for and with the right-wing Christian agenda? Basic elements of Christian eschatology are misrepresented, such as the claim that "the Christian Zionist sect believes....that Christ will appear and will take the followers of this religion to heaven on a spaceship." Iranian eschatologists obviously are confusing Baptists with Heaven's Gaters. In a truly paradigmatic example of the pot calling the kettle black, this document claims that "one of the characteristics of the West in the current era is obsession with the end of time." That might have been true about 7 years ago--but today? And of course, all this ultimately goes back to the nefarious Jews and Zionists, to whom even Hollywood is in thrall. Did you know that "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben Hur" were made, and awarded Oscars, by "the illegal Zionist order to cover up its legimitacy crisis...."? Neither did I, having always thought they were part of a brilliant plot to pump up Charlton Heston's career before he began consorting with primates.
There is more here, much of it reconfiguring of Fukuyama, Huntington, Marx, and others, in order to show both the vacuuity of their ideas and how these ideas were used to forestall the victory of Islam. I can't wait for the last installment, for the authors "invite you to tune in to our next programs to see how the future will turn out...."

11:28 am est

Anonymous said...

"I want to say now that the blood of Sunnis is forbidden to everyone," preached the cleric. "They are our brothers in religion and in nationality."
The message is a pan-Islamic blend of Shiite ideology and nationalism heard also in Lebanon from Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and in
Iran from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Those populist leaders, at the fore of new Shiite prominence in the Middle East, are defining an "axis of resistance" to America and its allies in rhetoric and action. That stance is winning some support across the sectarian divide, while their extensive social programs inspire support from the region's poor.

Besides the usual geopolitical aspects to this, it's worth noting that many modern supporters of Mahdism, both Sunni and Shi`i, envision that when the Mahdi comes true Muslims of both persuasion will cast aside their differences and follow him as he creates a global caliphate. Furthermore, the Mahdi will also function as something of a global "Robin Hood," redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor--a function which Hizbullah and the Islamic Republic of Iran are already engaging in.


Anonymous said...

This announcement which will be heard by all those present will establish his authenticity. Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur.

On 9 March 1997, (preceding the 23 March 1997 lunar eclipse) a total solar eclipse occured.

On 9 March 1997, (preceding the 23 March 1997 lunar eclipse) a total solar eclipse

Member of the Illinois Senate
from the 13th district
In office
January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004

President-elect of the United States
Taking office
January 20, 2009
Apr 26 2008, 12:55 PM
bismillah.gif salam.gif

Is this the last generation?
Is it the generation of which the imam will arise?
Is this the recession that is to happen before him?
Is there actually only 3 signs left?
Is the Imam this close to his arrival?
Are we ready for him?
Is this the moment we have been waiting for?

Every second the arrival of the imam is closer and closer

I said 5 are remaining not 2 are remaining. laugh.gif

1) The General Sign: There will be great confutation, intense disputes and violent deaths on Earth. People will be afflicted by disturbance and experiencing great fear. Calamities will fall upon people so much that a man will not find a shelter to shelter him self from oppression. Every time a lie has come to end, another will start, spread and intensify. The people will be troubled to such an extent that they will long for death.

2) The Double Eclipse in Ramadan: There will be a double eclipse in the month of Ramadan.

3) The Battle in Mina: There will be a Battle in Mina.

4) The Euphrates will disclose a Mountain of Gold: The river Euphrates will disclose a mount of Gold over which people will fight for it and 99 out of 100 will die and there was a narration that tells that who ever is present at the time when the Euphrates discloses a mountain of gold should not take the gold.

5) Emergence of the Sufyani: A person that claims himself to be The Mahdi will emerge from the depths of Damascus.
2003 - Ramadan (Ramazan) - Imam Mahdi ouncement proclaimed to the world [the splitting of the Moon/lunar eclipse(s) of Ramadan; Al Mahdi is invisible and in hiding/seclusion]. The double eclipse occurred Nov 9 and 23rd. Both eclipses occurred during Ramadan 2003 between Oct 27 thru Nov 27th.

2004 - 2005 Ramadan - Mahdi's emergence revealed (the two eclipses of 2003 to 2005)

From 2003 to 2005 - the only befitting time-frame for this part of Islamic eschatology to begin unfolding.
There will be no other time-frame that even comes close to this for several thousand years; many significant "signs in the sky" will point to this time-period as the most historically prophetic time in Islamic history.

2006 - 2007+ Mahdi emerges from hiding/seclusion as the new Khaleefah [1427] to rule for seven (7)yrs.

Vice President Joe Biden (elect)
Succeeding George W. Bush
United States Senator
from Illinois
In office
January 3, 2005 – November 16, 2008
Preceded by Peter Fitzgerald
Succeeded by TBD
Member of the Illinois Senate
from the 13th district
In office
January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004

This announcement which will be heard by all those present will establish his authenticity. Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur.

Imam Mahdi (Descendent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
by Mufti A.H. Elias and Mohammad Ali ibn Zubair Ali

Who Is Imam Mahdi?

Note: Please do not confuse Imam Mahdi with Hadhrat Isa (Jesus) Alayhis Salaam. They are two different persons, and both will come during the last days. According to Hadeeth, Imam Mahdi will appear first, and Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will appear during Imam Mahdi's lifetime. Furthermore, only Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will be able to kill Dajjal (the "anti-Christ").

The term "MAHDI" is a title meaning "The Guided one".

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "This world will not come to an end until one person from my progeny does not rule over the Arabs, and his name will be the same as my name." (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initally was filled with oppression." (Abu Dawood)

His Features

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Al Mahdi will be from my progeny. His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high. He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years."

Other ahadeeth inform us that:

* He will be tall
* He will be fair complexioned
* His facial features will be similar to those of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
* His character will be exactly like that of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
* His father's name will be Abdullah
* His mother's name will be Aamina
* He will speak with a slight stutter and occasionally this stutter will frustrate him causing him to hit his hand upon his thigh.
* His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years
* He will receive Knowledge from Allah.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Obama Plans To Address His Muslim Brethren In Mecca?

He will also be sworn in as Barack Hussein Obama, his full name that media and himself try not to utilize so as to hide his true Muslim heritage from the simpletons in this country who still miraculously refuse to believe he is a Muslim by birth.

Here he goes already kissing the asses of his Muslim friends just as this blog and millions of others warned against were he elected president. First stop Mecca for Hussein Obama, we told you so. After they attack US on our soil he goes on his knees to apologize for our retaliation under commander in chief President Bush?

Already Obama begins the treasonous activity and the duplicitous allegiances begin to show.

These animals will undoubtedly see this as American weakness, and as a matter of fact radical Muslims will want to kill him as we educated amongst us all know Obama is a Muslim Apostate and he better start taking that crap seriously because the radical Muzzies sure do.

While he claims he will remain tough on terrorism in speeches and in this interview he is amazingly naive if he thinks he's going to be welcomed with open arms in any of those countries he is highly mistaken and this is all hyperbole to appease Americans like me and his true aim is to weaken the American influence in the Middle East as Clinton did and we will pay a high price for his foolishness and duplicity if he proves a Muslim sympathizer.

Obama plans major address in Islamic capital: interview -

Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON, (AFP) – President-elect Barack Obama plans to give 'a major address' in an Islamic capital soon after taking office as he seeks to mend America's image in the Muslim world, a Chicago Tribune interview said.

'I think we've got a unique opportunity to reboot America's image around the world and also in the Muslim world in particular,' Obama said in the interview published late Tuesday on the Tribune's website.

Obama promised an 'unrelenting' desire to 'create a relationship of mutual respect and partnership in countries and with peoples of good will who want their citizens and ours to prosper together.'

The world 'is ready for that message.'

"While he described a fresh approach to diplomacy, Obama said his administration would not shrink from the struggle against terrorism, referring to the recent attacks on India's financial capital.

'The message I want to send is that we will be unyielding in stamping out the terrorist extremism we saw in Mumbai,' said Obama, who gave the interview from his transition team's offices in Chicago.

The Tribune wrote that Obama 'plans to give a major address in an Islamic capital as part of his global outreach' but did not quote him directly.

Obama also said he would be sworn on January 20 using his full name, Barack Hussein Obama.

During the presidential campaign, some of Obama's political opponents would refer to his middle name in an attempt to portray him as a secret Muslim.

But the Christian president-elect said he would follow tradition for the inauguration ceremony.

'I think the tradition is that they use all three names, and I will follow the tradition,' Obama told the paper. 'I'm not trying to make a statement one way or another. I'll do what everybody else does.'"

Whats funny about this article is they use an image along side it on Yahoo news where obviously the man is adjusting the wax replica of Obama but actually seems to be choking him, lolol. I cannot believe they were too stupid to realize the comical nature of this photo below. I will put the original caption below it as well.

The director of Rome's wax museum "Museo delle cere"
Fernando Canini adjusts the head of a statue representing
US President-elect Barack Obama newly exhibited in the museum.
Obama plans to give "a major address" in an Islamic capital
soon after taking office as he seeks to mend America's
image in the Muslim world, a Chicago Tribune interview said.

Anonymous said...

YOU TUBE VIDEO Baraka Obama attacks the Bible openly
mocks the Lord God of Heaven and the law the prhets and Jesus Christ himself


Is OBAMA the ANTICHRIST? - 12 of 19 characteristics are met! YOU MUST SEE THIS!

Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

IS OBAMA REALLY a MUSLIM or ARAB? The absolute TRUTH Documented HERE!

Does Obama fulfill Muslim Mahdi prophecy?

the mahdi
* He will speak with a slight stutter

*He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years."

Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur.

On 9 March 1997, (preceding the 23 March 1997 lunar eclipse) a total solar eclipse occured.

On 9 March 1997, (preceding the 23 March 1997 lunar eclipse) a total solar eclipse

Member of the Illinois Senate
from the 13th district
In office
January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004

President-elect of the United States
Taking office
January 20, 2009
Apr 26 2008, 12:55 PM
bismillah.gif salam.gif

Is this the last generation?
Is it the generation of which the imam will arise?
Is this the recession that is to happen before him?
Is there actually only 3 signs left?
Is the Imam this close to his arrival?
Are we ready for him?
Is this the moment we have been waiting for?

Every second the arrival of the imam is closer and closer

I said 5 are remaining not 2 are remaining. laugh.gif

1) The General Sign: There will be great confutation, intense disputes and violent deaths on Earth. People will be afflicted by disturbance and experiencing great fear. Calamities will fall upon people so much that a man will not find a shelter to shelter him self from oppression. Every time a lie has come to end, another will start, spread and intensify. The people will be troubled to such an extent that they will long for death.

2) The Double Eclipse in Ramadan: There will be a double eclipse in the month of Ramadan.

3) The Battle in Mina: There will be a Battle in Mina.

4) The Euphrates will disclose a Mountain of Gold: The river Euphrates will disclose a mount of Gold over which people will fight for it and 99 out of 100 will die and there was a narration that tells that who ever is present at the time when the Euphrates discloses a mountain of gold should not take the gold.

5) Emergence of the Sufyani: A person that claims himself to be The Mahdi will emerge from the depths of Damascus.
2003 - Ramadan (Ramazan) - Imam Mahdi ouncement proclaimed to the world [the splitting of the Moon/lunar eclipse(s) of Ramadan; Al Mahdi is invisible and in hiding/seclusion]. The double eclipse occurred Nov 9 and 23rd. Both eclipses occurred during Ramadan 2003 between Oct 27 thru Nov 27th.

2004 - 2005 Ramadan - Mahdi's emergence revealed (the two eclipses of 2003 to 2005)

From 2003 to 2005 - the only befitting time-frame for this part of Islamic eschatology to begin unfolding.
There will be no other time-frame that even comes close to this for several thousand years; many significant "signs in the sky" will point to this time-period as the most historically prophetic time in Islamic history.

2006 - 2007+ Mahdi emerges from hiding/seclusion as the new Khaleefah [1427] to rule for seven (7)yrs.

(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be four peace agreements between you and the Romans. The fourth agreement will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadhrat Haroon (A.S.) and will be upheld for seven years."

(regarding the rule of Imaam Mahdi) the skies will rain down in abundance and the earth will yield forth its crop in abundance, and those alive will desire that those who have already passed away should have been alive to enjoy this prosperity..."



Andy said...

I think I stopped giving a flying fuck a long time ago.

I'm going to go drink beer and play my piano now.

Anonymous said...

Obama lies constantly- it is as if he wants to show he is a liar and see who will still worship him and follow the evil that flows from his lips- the lies are not even needed he just seems to speak them like they are his native langauge.

Obama Basics

This page is dedicated for comments which document instances of Obama lies and falsehoods, exaggerations and inaccuracies.


see the caricature.

1) Obama is not a Muslim. But he continues to insist he never was. This is a plain lie. Why he makes it, remains beyond us.

2) He claims no relationship to Islam. Utter lie. A majority of his brothers and sisters, and other relatives are Muslim.

3) Obama’s opposition to the Iraq war, while laudable in hindsight made little sense in 2002, except when his family, ethnic, and religious identity enter the equation.

5) Obama consistently downplays his relationship with Jeremiah Wright.

6) Lies about Wright’s personal influence.

7) Lies about his involvement with Wright’s politics, and the politics of Wright’s Church.

8) Obama forces Jeremiah Wright to dissimulate about the nature of his church, his and their views, opinions, and achievements.

9) Obama dissimulates on Wright’s past association with Farrakhan.

10) Obama employs Nation of Islam, in the past and present.Lets them go untouched, which

11) Raises concerns about Obama’s own stance on the Nation of Islam.

12) Obama dissimulates about his former take on Israel, and the Palestinians, putting in question his present stance.

13) Obama misrepresents his background, and the context from which he hails, for political purposes, and

14) his books are fraught with lies about himself and who he i.

15) Obama’s campaign deliberately exploits his racial identity, to shield their candidate from regular media grilling.

16) Obama has chosen a deliberate strategy of evasion and vagueness in tackling tough issues. He does not take a stand, and he wont.

17) Obama’s rise to prominence, in Chicago, is fraught with deus ex machine events, and strange circumstances.

18) Why Obama’s record in Chicago, has not received a proper vetting or review by the national media, is puzzling.

19) Obama entered Havard because his father was an Alumnus.

20) It is not clear when changed his name from Barry Soetoro, and why.

21) The Media refuse to ask him questions about all of the above. Why?

22) Obama is a pathological liar, hence so are the media. He is a phony, and the media are complicit in foisting him on the Democratic party.

and then there is this list of lies, complied by Audacity of Hypocrisy.

Obama lies and has lied on numerous occasions. He lacks the honesty and integrity required of a presidential candidate. If we do not act to assure his defeat in the Democratic primary, the Republicans armed with knowledge of Obama’s lies, will crush us in the presidential elections. They will disembowel him before the election gets started.

We at Stop Obama are dedicated to accurately documenting Obama’s lies in order to prevent his nomination, and strengthen the chances of a Democratic victory in 2008. Our resources are limited, and we cannot deliver as quickly as we would like. We are working as a team, to bring our documentation to a wider public. Bear with us. We appreciate your patience, and support is welcome. Please consider a donation.

34 responses so far
34 Responses to “Obama Basics”

List of Lies from Savage Politicson 21 Feb 2008 at 1:22 am 1

by Shallow Hal Contributor
(ORIGINAL AUTHOR of the now famous “Barack Obama’s LAUNDRY LIST OF LIES”)
{if you wish to comment, click HERE}

CHARGE 1 – “The March on Selma got me born.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama was born August 4th, 1961. The march on Selma began March 7th, 1965. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – Senator Obama was talking about the general movement, not specifically about Selma.

REBUTTTAL – Senator Obama was in Selma, Alabama, before a mostly AA crowd at the Brown Chapel AME Church on March 4th, 2007. He clearly stated “because some folks were willing to march across a bridge . . . they (his parents) got together, and Barack Obama, Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama!” Barack Hussein Obama was born on August 4, 1961. The first march on Selma, Alabama occurred on March 7, 1965.

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CHARGE 2 – “My father was just a simple, impoverished goat herder.”

EVIDENCE – Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was a privileged, well educated youth, who’s tribal family owned and controlled all tribal land. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – He was poor to start off with, he only became an educated and successful man later in life.

REBUTTAL – Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was privileged from the moment of his birth. Being born into the powerful tribe of the Luo, he was graced with an ‘upper class’ lifestyle. He later would go on to be ‘Big Man’ of the tribe and work as a Senior Economist in the Kenyan Government.

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CHARGE 3 – “My father believed in the ‘power of the people’. I believe in the ‘power of the people’.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama has often stated that his ‘father’s attributes’ are ones that he has sought in his own life. Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was part of a corrupt Kenyan government in the 1960s. He believed in taking land from it’s owners and taxation up to 100%, ‘if benefits’ were ‘commensurate to their income’. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – What does it matter what Senator Obama’s father believed in?

REBUTTAL– Senator Obama portrays himself as a ‘new politician’ with a ‘new way’ of getting things done. Senator Obama has stated, “I did feel that there was something to prove . . . to my father.” Senator Obama also stated further, in his book Dreams Of My Father, “It was into my father’s image . . . that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself.” His father’s ‘attributes’ included ‘100% taxation’ and repossession of land and property against the will of the rightful owner. Thus seeking the ‘favor’ of his father, and using his father’s ‘attributes’ as a model, Senator Obama therefore must maintain similar ideals and respect for ‘the people’. How these ‘policies’ are an example of ‘belief in power of the people’ is obviously highly questionable.

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CHARGE 4 - My family has strong ties to ‘African freedom’.”

EVIDENCE - Raila Odinga committed genocide while attempting to overturn the 2007 Kenyan elections. Senator Obama and Raila Odinga are first cousins. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2 , SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – What does it matter what Senator Obama’s African relatives do in Africa?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama campaigned for his cousin while on a visit to said country. Senator Obama claims a distinct debt to his familial ties, painting them in a light that is downright revisionist.

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CHARGE 5 - “President Kennedy rescued my father from Kenyan obscurity and airlifted him to the American Dream.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama’s father came in September 1960, while EISENHOWER was President. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – But his father did come to the U.S. so what is the big deal?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama misrepresents historical events. No speech by President John F. Kennedy brought Senator Obama’s father to the U.S. in 1960. John F. Kennedy was not President in 1960, Dwight D. Eisenhower was President. The Senator is attempting to subtly equate himself with J.F.K., subconsciously implying he would be a similar President. Senator Obama, you are no Jack Kennedy.

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CHARGE 6 - “My Kenyan Grandmother has always been a Christian.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s Grandmother’s own interviews contradict this statement. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – What does it matter what Senator Obama’s African relatives do?

REBUTTAL –It goes to a person’s character and willingness to evade, distort, or rewrite history. Senator Obama’s Grandmother does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews (per Islamic law). Not to mention, Christianity does not allow for a woman to be one of 14 wives to 1 man. Senator Obama’s use of his Grandmother as an example of how ‘Christian’ his family is, in order to counter accusations of secretly being a Muslim, sustains the idea that the Senator is deliberately distorting the truth to cover-up associations and ‘fatherly attributes’ that he knows are problematic to his election, should he be forthcoming about them. His decision to make statements patently false in order to propagate a more ‘electable’ image speaks not only to his character but to his judgment. Distortions or edits to evidence that wholly misrepresent the truth is dishonest.

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CHARGE 7 - “My first name (Barack) is not Arabic - it is Swahili.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama’s name is Arabic in origin, not Swahili. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, Columnist Says Barack Obama ‘Lied To The American People;’ Asks Publisher to Withdraw Obama’s Book, NEW YORK, Aug. 10 /PRNewswire/

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter where Senator Obama’s name originates?

REBUTTAL - If the origin of his name doesn’t matter, then why publicly lie about it? There is no transliteration between the alphabets of Arabic and Swahili. The Africanized derivative of the Arabic ‘Baraka’ is Barack, but the origin and source is entirely Arabic. Senator Obama again distorts the facts in an attempt to distance himself from associations he deems politically inexpedient. Senator Obama’s middle name, Hussein, is also Arabic. Naturally, so is the Senator’s last name, Obama.

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CHARGE 8 - “I never practiced Islam.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama practiced Islam daily at Meteng Primary school, where he was registered as a Muslim. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter whether Senator Obama practiced Islam as a child?

REBUTTAL – If there is no importance to the fact that Senator Obama practiced Islam as a child, then what is the motivation for lying about it publicly? Indonesia requires students to study religion. Barry Soetoro was registered as a Muslim at the Meteng Primary School. One cannot participate in any studies within a Madrassa without practicing Islam.

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CHARGE 9 - “My school in Indonesia was Christian.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama was registered as a Muslim at Meteng Primary School. The school offered Christian classes as well. Barry Soetoro did not attend them. He later spent 2 years in a Catholic school SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter that Senator Obama’s school was Islamic or Catholic?

REBUTTAL - Again, If there is no importance to the fact that Senator Obama practiced Islam as a child, then what is the motivation for lying about it publicly? Indonesia requires all students to study religion. Barry Soetoro was enrolled as a Muslim at the Menteng Primary School where he studied among other subjects, Islam. In 1969 Barry attended a Catholic School. This is the only schooling Senator Obama discusses, thus Meteng has been somewhat covered up. Why one would ask? The only conclusion that can be drawn from this scenario is that Senator Obama lied about this school and its subject matter for political expediency. In later comments the Senator stated he did not attend an Islamic school, but in his book “Dreams Of My Father” he states that he ‘got in trouble for making faces in Koranic studies’ and was disciplined by his mother. One would ask how many Catholic students remember being taught the Koran by their nuns.

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CHARGE 10 - “I am fluent in Indonesian.”

EVIDENCE - Not one teacher says that Senator Obama could speak the language at the time. SOURCE 1, (Kirsten Scharnberg and Kim Barker, “The Not-So-Simple Story Of Barack Obama’s Youth,” Chicago Tribune)

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter that Senator Obama can’t speak fluent Indonesian?

REBUTTAL - YET AGAIN, if it does not matter, what is the motivation for lying about it publicly? Apparently we are to infer, by Senator Obama’s supposed “fluency” in Indonesian, that he is very sophisticated and experienced in “foreign affairs”. Perhaps Senator Obama feels that grade school French and Spanish qualifies most U.S. students as UN diplomats.


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CHARGE 11 - “I lived in Indonesia. I have more foreign experience than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama lived in Indonesia from the ages of 6 to 10. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Living in a foreign country is a much more in-depth experience than just visiting one.

REBUTTAL - To imply that living in a foreign country, for 4 years as a child, is equitable to official trips representing the U.S. Government is completely without merit. Also, implying that it also equates to receiving classified information and studying these subjects with personal political experience is quite ludicrous to say the least.

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CHARGE 12 - “My foreign travels and life experience better qualify me to address our nation’s closest Allies.”

EVIDENCE - Except for Africa and Middle Eastern Muslim countries, Senator Obama has never been anywhere else in the world. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM - The Middle East is an important area and so is Africa.

REBUTTAL - Indeed it is, but that is not what Senator Obama was arguing in this statement. He categorically stated he would be better qualified to meet with our nation’s ‘closest’ allies. Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Kenya, and Iraq can hardly be considered America’s ‘closest’ allies. Implying visits to 7 countries in nearly 47 years (4 of which were in his youth) is somehow equitable to visiting 80 countries in 18 years, (as has his opponent, Senator Clinton, in various official governmental capacities) is completely dishonest.

* * *

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CHARGE 13 - “I was ethnically confused, that is why I used drugs.”

EVIDENCE – Fellow classmates describe racial tensions and meetings discussing such issues. Barry Obama was not in attendance. SOURCE 1, (Kirsten Scharnberg and Kim Barker, “The Not-So-Simple Story Of Barack Obama’s Youth,” Chicago Tribune, 3/25/07), Dreams From My Father, pages 93-94.

COUNTER CLAIM - He admitted to using drugs in his youth. So what?

REBUTTAL - Either Senator Obama’s family was to be idealized and their ‘attributes’ incorporated into his life to assist with his success, or his family’s ambiguity, and latent racism drove him to drug use. Either the first is a false reality, or the second, but they cannot both be correct.

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CHARGE 14 - “I understand what it is to be an African American.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama is not African American according to U.S. Law. Senator Obama is an Arab-American according to U.S. Law. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s father is from Kenya (Black African) and he (Obama) was born in America. How can you say he is not African American?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s racial background consists of the following: 50% white (mother, both sides), 43.25% Arabic (father, both sides), and 6.25% African Negro (father, one side, 1 generation removed). 12.5% is the legal threshold one must prove to claim racial status under the law. In addition, Senator Obama cannot make a sociological claim as an African American either. He was not raised as an African American, was not raised by African Americans, and was not raised in an African American neighborhood.

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CHARGE 15 - “I was an underprivileged youth.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama attended prep schools and later on went to Harvard Law. His Grandparents were wealthy bankers and his Step-father was an Oil Executive. His mother was also a P.H.D.. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - He went to school on a scholarship and had to use food stamps to survive.

REBUTTAL - From the ages of 2 – 6, Senator Obama was raised by his wealthy, grandparents. From the ages of 6 – 10, Senator Obama was raised by his mother and his step-father who was an Oil Executive in Indonesia; from the age of 10 until his early adulthood, Senator Obama was living again with his wealthy grandparents, one of which was the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii. Senator Obama has attended prep schools like Occidental College, paid for by HIS FAMILY. He then went on to Harvard, the State Senate of Illinois, and the U.S. Senate.

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CHARGE 16 - “An Ebony article changed my life.”

EVIDENCE - Ebony has yet to “find” the article Senator Obama mentions in his book. The FACT is that It doesn’t, and never has, existed. SOURCE 1, (Kirsten Scharnberg and Kim Barker, “The Not-So-Simple Story Of Barack Obama’s Youth,” Chicago Tribune, 3/25/07)

COUNTER CLAIM - What is the big deal? He forgot the name of the magazine.

REBUTTAL - Senator Obama made an unequivocal statement. Ebony has found no such article. Promptly, Senator Obama made a new, unequivocal statement that it must have been Life magazine instead (read bellow). All evidence, both past and present, supports Ebony’s claim that the article does not and never did exist.


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CHARGE 17 - “A Life magazine article changed my outlook on life.”

EVIDENCE - Life has yet to find the article that Senator Obama mentions in his book. The FACT is that it doesn’t, and has never existed. SOURCE 1, (Kirsten Scharnberg and Kim Barker, “The Not-So-Simple Story Of Barack Obama’s Youth,” Chicago Tribune, 3/25/07)

COUNTER CLAIM - What is the big deal? He forgot the name of the magazine again.

REBUTTAL - As in CHARGE 16, Senator Obama made an unequivocal statement. Life magazine has found no such article. All evidence, both past and present, supports Life’s claim that the article does not and never did exist.


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CHARGE 18 - “I will NOT run on a National Ticket in 2008 because I won’t have enough experience by then.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama announced his intent to run for President of the United States in February, 2007. He is currently still in the race for the Nomination of the Democratic Party, for President of the United States (April, 2008). SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama is entitled to change his mind.

REBUTTAL - The Senator certainly is entitled to change his mind, but changing his mind is not what the argument is about. It is about his unequivocal statement that he would not run on a National Ticket in 2008, specifically because he would not have the appropriate experience needed (”some people may be comfortable doing that, I am not one of those people”) SOURCE. He is currently running for the top slot on the National Ticket for the Presidency of the United States (April, 2008).


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CHARGE 19 - “I do not vote ‘Present’ any more than any other IL Representative.”

EVIDENCE – While ‘Present’ votes may not be unusual in Illinois, the number of ‘Present’ votes that Senator Obama placed ARE disproportionate. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, NY Times 12/20/07 by Raymond Hernandez and Christopher Drew

COUNTER CLAIM – ‘Present’ votes are used to block portions of undesirable legislation and is a common tactic in Illinois.

REBUTTAL – The issue at hand is not the purpose of the ‘Present’ votes but rather their frequency. 129 ‘Present’ votes is not a common number for any Representative in the Illinois State House, other than Senator Obama.


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CHARGE 20 - Oops, “I ‘misvoted’ a couple times in the Illinois State House.”

EVIDENCE – Only when caught by church groups and fellow Democrats, did Senator Obama request to change his half dozen “misvotes” in the Illinois State House. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – Anyone can make a mistake while voting.

REBUTTAL – The only time Senator Obama admitted to misvoting was when he was criticized for such votes. Inexplicably, Senator Obama followed such misvotes with ‘Present’ votes.


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CHARGE 21 - “I barely know William Ayers” – A.K.A. – Abu Zayd

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama announced the start of his Senate campaign from the front steps of William Ayers’ home, in the neighborhood that they share. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – Just because Senator Obama lives in the same neighborhood with Ayers doesn’t prove they knew each other well.

REBUTTAL – William Ayers (or Abu-Zayd), Louis Farrakhan, and Senator Obama all live in the same neighborhood. Ayers is the founder of the Woods Fund, of which Senator Obama was it’s director from 1999 to 2002. Perhaps one might ask oneself; who chooses the director of the Wood Fund? Perhaps its founder? Secondly, if Senator Obama announced his campaign run in Illinois from Ayers’s home, did he not ask Ayers’ permission first? If the Senator did not know Abu-Zayd Ayers well, then how did he come to choose Ayers’ front steps to announce his campaign? Random chance?


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CHARGE 22 - “I support a 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.”

EVIDENCE - We enter into evidence a few of Senator Obama’s quotes and votes on gun control: “Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions.” (Jul 1998), “Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers.” (Jul 2005). SOURCE 1, Source 2: The Improbable Quest, by John K. Wilson, p.148 Oct 30, 2007, Source 3: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998, Reference: Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act; Bill S 397 ; vote number 2005-219 on Jul 29, 2005

COUNTER CLAIM – Senator Obama just wants to prevent criminals for finding and using guns.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s policy on guns seems to change specifically in regards to the audience he is addressing. There are many quotes from the Senator in which he suggests an all out ban on handguns. Bare in mind that these bans PRIMARILY affect LEGAL gun ownership.


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CHARGE 23 - “I Was A Constitutional Lawyer”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama was a senior lecturer on leave of absence. He has never practiced Constitutional Law, nor ever obtained any such ‘title’. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – He taught Constitutional law at his University and he is a lawyer.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama was NEVER a Constitutional Lawyer, nor a PROFESSOR of Law.


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CHARGE 24 - “I Was A Professor Of Law.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama was a senior lecturer on leave of absence. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - He taught Constitutional law at his University. He is a lawyer.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama was NEVER a Professor of Law, nor a Constitutional Lawyer.


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CHARGE 25 - “An Army Captain came to me and told me his company was divided and short of ammo.” (claim made by Senator Obama during a debate.)

EVIDENCE - The Captain in question said the Senator had twisted the details. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - The Senator was speaking in generalities, trying to paint a picture of what is going on on the battlefield.

REBUTTAL – The Captain in question gave specific details about the situation, all of which contradicted Senator Obama’s claims.


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CHARGE 26 - “I passed a tough Nuclear Bill. I am strong on Nuclear Regulation.”

EVIDENCE – The Bill did not pass, primarily because there was very little nuclear regulation in it. This could be attributed to the fact that the nuclear power company, Exelon, has been a donor to all of Senator Obama’s campaigns thus far. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Just because Senator Obama’s campaign manager is connected to Exelon doesn’t mean Senator Obama wouldn’t regulate Exelon.

REBUTTAL – Curiously, Senator Obama’s bill never passed, thanks to it’s own structural deficiencies.


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CHARGE 27 - “I quickly released my financial and legislative records, because I have no special interest connections to hide.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama took 13 months to release his records, while calling for months for his opponents to release theirs during the same period. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2 , SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Clinton took most of the year to release her tax records.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama announced his Presidential run in Feb. 2007. He only released his records, incomplete ones at that, in March, 2008. Said records are riddled with special interest proposals and hidden pork. One example is General Dynamics. General Dynamics was the beneficiary of at least one of Obama earmarks, receiving $1.3 Million dollars for its high-explosive technology program, for the Army’s Bradley Fighting Vehicle.


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CHARGE 28 - “I have the solutions to repair our economy.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama voted against his own economic proposal package. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM - Washington is in a stalemate. Senator Obama has fresh ideas.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s 111 economic proposals were just combined into an amendment to a bill, and the amendment was defeated 97-0. Senator Obama rejected his own proposals; apparently, they were not the solutions or ‘fresh ideas’ he was speaking about.


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CHARGE 29 - “I have been a bold leader in Illinois.”

EVIDENCE – The Senator’s own supporters cannot recall any ‘Bold’ action on his part. SOURCE 1 , SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - He passed legislation to videotape interrogations by the police department.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama indeed passed into law such various bills, however, a great many of these bills were only ‘appointed’ to him as their sponsor – meaning they were created and worked by others and then Senator Obama’s name was placed on the legislation to give him credit for the bill. In regards to the Taped Interrogations legislation, most cities in the nation have been taping police interrogations for decades. That would hardly seem ‘bold’. Missing or refusing to vote on bills 129 times does not further the argument of ‘bold’ action either.


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CHARGE 30 - “I barely know Tony Rezko. I did about 5 hours of billed work for him.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama has known Antoin Rezko for 17 years. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama meets many people. He is a Senator.

REBUTTAL – Antoin Rezko first spoke with Senator Obama in 1990. Senator Obama worked at the Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland Law firm, specializing in legal issues involving land development. It is in this area of law that the Senator came in contact with Rezko and his company, Rezmar Corp. Senator Obama left the law firm for the State Legislature, while one of the firm’s founders, Mr. Allison Davis, left his firm to form a new development company, New Kenwood LLC – with none other than Mr. Antoin Rezko. Once in the State Legislature, and still performing periodic work for his old law firm (now Miner, Barnhill, & Galland), Senator Obama used his elected position to provide legitimacy to his friend’s new venture. He crafted a letter to the legislature that ultimately secured $855,000 in ‘development fees’ for his pals, Rezko and Davis. Mr. Rezko went on to be quite a staunch campaign donor for the Senator, raising at least $250,000 for Senator Obama while in Illinois.


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CHARGE 31 - “I have never met Nadhmi Auchi.”

EVIDENCE - Recent testimony in the Rezko Trial has placed Senator Obama and his wife at a party where Mr. Auchi was in attendance. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM – The Senator goes to a lot of events. This must have slipped his mind.

REBUTTAL – Whether it slipped his mind or not, the Senator did not deny that we was there (an indication that he believes further proof may exist to place him there) just that he did not remember the meeting. Strangely enough, the party was held just one week prior to the U.S. election in which he won his seat.


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CHARGE 32 - “I don’t have ‘bundlers’ and I don’t take PAC money.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama has 79 bundlers and has collected over $13,000,000 in lobbyist PAC money. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has been careful not to compromise himself, “rejecting campaign support from Political Action Committees and lobbyists.”

REBUTTAL – Here is a starter list of Senator Obama’s registered lobbyists:

Timothy Broas $100,000, Frank Clark $200,000, Howard Gutman $200,000, Scott Harris (DC) $200,000, Allan Katz $200,000, William Lake (DC) $50,000, Robert S. Litt $not given, Kenneth Lore (DC) $50,000, Thomas Perrelli $200,000, Thomas Reed $200,000, Paul Roth $50,000, Alan Solomont $100,000, Robert M. Sussman (DC) $50,000, Tom Wheeler (DC) $100,000. $1,700,000 dollars from these registered lobbyists, or four times more than Obama’s officially declared lobbyist sum. To date there are at least 38 such individual lobbyists donating to Senator Obama’s campaign. PS – Having the wives of these individuals write the checks does not alter where the money came from.


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CHARGE 33 - “I don’t take money from lobbyists.”

EVIDENCE - At least 38 Individuals on Senator Obama’s campaign are or work for lobbyists. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM – Most of the individuals you site are lawyers, not lobbyists.

REBUTTAL – Most of the lawyers that make up this list work for firms that lobby the Government. 31 of them manage registered lobbyists. You may parse the definitions – these lawyers and/or their firms lobby the government and donate to Senator Obama’s campaign. Either way, he takes money from lobbyists.


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CHARGE 34 - “I don’t take money from oil companies.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama has taken nearly $250,000 from oil companies. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – Senator Clinton has taken even more money from oil companies.

REBUTTAL – Senator Clinton never stated she did not take money from oil companies; Senator Obama is the one that said that. Distinguishing himself as a ‘cleaner’ politician, less beholden to the oil companies, Senator Obama has obviously not been forthright about this issue. Senator Obama accepts money from oil companies and does so to this day.


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CHARGE 35 - “I have clean connections, unlike my opponents and most of Washington.”

EVIDENCE - Rezko, William Ayers (Abu-Zayd), Nadmi Auchi, Rashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright, James Meeks, Louis Farrakhan. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5, SOURCE 6, SOURCE 7

COUNTER CLAIM - Guilt by association is not fair.

REBUTTAL – Associations one chooses to initiate and/or maintain speaks to one’s character and judgment. For instance, Antoin Rezko – who is currently on trial for Corruption. Senator Obama has received a quarter of a million dollars from this individual, and has had to return it in ever increasing amounts, as the Senator was caught not truthfully disclosing the amount donated. Senator Obama also decided to participate in a real estate deal with Mr. Rezko during a time when he was proven to be under investigation. Despite this, The Senator made a deal to purchase a home, by dividing the property with the Rezko family. The property in question was divided, lot VS. House, because it was out of The Senator’s price range. And so was the down payment. Perhaps this is where Auchi comes in? Only the trial of Rezko can tell us. Continuing, once it was determined that the Senator could not afford the property, $300K was promptly removed from the asking price (in 2005, before mortgage problems drove down home prices). Rezko’s wife stepped in to buy the lot the Senator couldn’t afford, saving him $625,000. Another associate of Senator Obama’s is the founder of the Woods Fund, for which the Senator was its Director for 4 years, William (Abu-Zayd) Ayers. Abu-Zayd, or William Ayers as he was known then, was an American Terrorist who attempted to bomb the Pentagon. Next on our list would be Nadmi Auchi – Iraqi Billionaire swindler who helped himself to money from the Food Or Oil program and may have assisted the Senator is securing the money to put down on his Chicago mansion. Next we have Rashid Khalidi – former PLO spokesman and supporter of terrorism against Israel. Next we have the infamous Jeremiah Wright and James Meeks – rabid racists, anti-American preachers/community leaders, both have an affinity or a direct connection to the Nation of Islam. Speaking of the Nation of Islam, we next have Louis Farrakhan – renowned racist, anti-American, voracious Anti-Semite and homophobe – leader of the Nation of Islam. One would like to ask Senator Obama which of these individuals are the ‘clean’ ones?


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CHARGE 36 - “Unlike Senator Clinton, my donations have been thoroughly checked.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama took donations from arrested Bundler, Norman Hsu (as did Clinton) and Antoin Tony Rezko. Rezko is currently on trial for corruption (April, 2008). SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama donated the money from Hsu and Rezko as soon as he found out.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama only gave back the money raised by Rezko when the media reported the donations. He gave back $7,000 to Norman Hsu, but with Antoin Rezko things went a little differently. First Senator Obama claimed that it was $66,000 he had received from Rezko; when the media proved it was more, Senator Obama claimed that his campaign had discovered and then donated $86,000 to charity. When the media discovered, yet again, there was more Rezko money then reported, Senator Obama stated that indeed they had found $150,000 that had come from Rezko. Senator Obama, seemingly exasperated with the story, claimed he had done all he could to find the funds raised for him by Rezko, and that he had donated all of it to charity. Alas, the media discovered again, it wasn’t $150,000 but rather $250,000 Rezko had raised. When confronted with the new figures, Senator Obama was forced to admit that his campaign had found $250,000 of Rezko donations, but that ultimately only $90,000, NOT $150,000, had been donated after all. The campaign was forced to disclose the funds in question had already been used by the campaign. Senator Obama did not make up the difference and donate it to charity, despite having raised some $243,000,000 to date (April, 2008)


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CHARGE 37 - “I only discovered I had investment conflicts through the mail.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s investment conflicts were not brought to his attention by mail. Skyterra and AVI never sent letters to Senator Obama. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, (Nedra Pickler, “Obama Unaware Of Investment Conflicts,” The Associated Press, 3/7/07)

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama is a busy man. He must have forgotten.

REBUTTAL – Both Skyterra and AVI have no record of any such letter ever being created or sent. In fact Skyterra didn’t send out a stockholder’s letter to ANYONE in 2005, the year Senator Obama’s conflict was uncovered, but was not disclosed by the Senator until reported in the media.


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CHARGE 38 - “I sponsored dozens of my own bills in one year and passed them in the Illinois State Senate.”

EVIDENCE - State Senator Ricky Hendon ‘appointed’ Obama as sponsor of Hendon’s high-profile legislation. Not one of those Bills was truly sponsored by Senator Obama. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - But Senator Obama did sponsor and pass the bills.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama was ‘appointed’ the sponsor of bills originated and crafted by Senator Hendon. Senator Obama attached his signature to the bill, thus conspicuously taking credit for it’s sponsorship and passage. Additionally Emil Jones had to direct Senator Obama to craft certain legislation. It was not spontaneously created by Senator Obama.


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CHARGE 39 - “I believe in fairness, not tactics, to win elections.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama hired a team of investigators to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against him. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Some of the signatures for Alice Palmer were forged.

REBUTTAL – 4 of the signatures were found to be forgeries. Senator Obama used investigators and little known political tactics to eliminate his opposition. He then went on to run uncontested.


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CHARGE 40 – “I cleaned up the Altgeld Gardens Asbestos case.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama failed to mention the many others who assisted and had taken the lead in solving this problem. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2 (Peter Wallsten, “Obama Memoir Left Out Credits For Activism, Critics Say,” Los Angeles Times, 2/19/07)

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama DID solve the problem of Altgeld Gardens.

REBUTTAL – Left to stand alone, the implication from Senator Obama is that he was the person that solved the Altgeld Gardens issue, alone. This is patently false.


Anonymous said...

CHARGE 41 - “I inspire people with my words.”

EVIDENCE - Obama inspires people with other people’s words. It’s called plagiarizing. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Lots of people borrow a few words from speeches. That’s not plagiarizing.

REBUTTAL – Plagiarism refers to another person’s intellectual creations being passed off as one’s own. Plagiarism is not nullified because the material was used with permission, which until caught by the media, Senator Obama did not have (permission) in regards to Deval Patrick’s speeches. Senator Obama uses his speeches, and their reactions, as evidence that he is connecting with his audience through his own power, and thus based on that power and it’s unique capacity to inspire citizens, we should elect him to office. Senator Obama has plagiarized speeches, songs, and entire passages of dialogue from film and television. Additionally, a large portion of Senator Obama’s speeches that were not plagiarized were written by his very young and White speech-writer Jon Favreau, NOT Senator Obama.


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CHARGE 42 - “No one from my campaign discussed NAFTA with anyone in Canada.”

EVIDENCE - The Canadian Government issued the names and details of the conversation Senator Obama’s campaign had with them. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama is a busy man – he just goofed.

REBUTTAL – Again? Senator Obama has made a multitude of unequivocal, absolute statements of fact which have proven to be complete fabrications once investigated. The fact is the Canadian Government, when accused of inventing the story by Senator Obama’s campaign, released details of a memo and the names of the participants in the conversation. Senator Obama’s campaign offered no rebuttal. Perhaps because there was no rebuttal to be made – the story was true from the start.


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CHARGE 43 - “I won Michigan!”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama removed his name from the ballot after horrible poll numbers showed he would lose big. He later attempted to get voters to choose Uncommitted as a way of showing their support for him; Senator Clinton beat everyone on and off the ballot 55% to 40%. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s name wasn’t even on the ballot.

REBUTTAL – If Senator Obama’s name wasn’t on the ballot, how then did he win? Senator Obama deliberately removed his name from the ballot after extensive polling conducted early in the campaign showed he would lose significantly. Thus Senator Obama took his name off the ballot, not because Party Rules said the vote wouldn’t count. If that were the Senator’s reasoning, why did he leave his name on the ballot in Florida? Perhaps because extensive polling in Florida early on showed him that he stood a good chance of picking up quite a few delegates should he be able to force their inclusion at the convention. Seeing as he was utterly destroyed in the Florida Primary, where all names were on the ballot but only Senator Obama ran ads, he hasn’t sought to seat any of the delegates he won.


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CHARGE 44 - “I won Nevada.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Clinton won Nevada 51% to 45% over Senator Obama. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2,

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama won 13 delegates, Clinton only won 12, so Senator Obama won Nevada!

REBUTTAL – Senator Clinton won Nevada 51% to 45% over Senator Obama. With 2 Super Delegates selecting her in Nevada, she won 14 delegates total to Senator Obama’s 13.
She also won the Popular vote.


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CHARGE 45 - “I believe in every vote counting. I support the people’s vote as their voice.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama stalled on revote options in Michigan and Florida, until it was too late to hold any revote. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Caucuses are cheaper and they are a legal form of voting.

REBUTTAL – Caucuses may be cheap and they may be legal, for now, but they are a poor way to represent the will of the people. Caucuses force public declarations of choice in front of family, friends, and possibly employers. They have a very short window of operation and are often held during work hours in the middle of a work day. Their results are in the low tens of thousands, thus that small majority is held to reflect the will of a state with millions of registered voters. As for Michigan and Florida, despite being penalized by party leaders for shifts in the election dates beyond the party’s control in the state, Senator Obama was in no hurry to offer any solution other than a quick, cheap caucus for Florida and Michigan. Ultimately his stalling and tactics ran the clock out; millions of voters voices will not be heard.


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CHARGE 46 - “I didn’t run ads in Florida.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama was the only democratic candidate running ads in the state. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM – No Democratic candidate ran ads in Florida.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama allowed national ads to run 8-12 times per day for two weeks - and still lost by nearly 300,000 votes. One phone call could have stopped the ads. He left them to run.


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CHARGE 47 - “My campaign was extorted by a friend!”

EVIDENCE - Old classmate Keith Kakugawa was “infuriated” by the charge and flatly denied it. (Maurice Possley, Kirsten Scharnberg and Ray Gibson, “An Old Friend’s Troublesome Return,” Chicago Tribune, 3/25/07), (Maurice Possley, et al, “An Old Friend’s Troublesome Return,”
Chicago Tribune, 3/25/07)

COUNTER CLAIM - Mr. Kakugawa is homeless and desperate and is trying to use Senator Obama’s new found fame to his advantage.

REBUTTAL – Mr. Kakugawa has done nothing of the sort. Senator Obama, clearly having a case for extortion or blackmail, in addition to libel if his own claims are true, has not sought legal assistance with this onslaught of defamation. No news agency has reported any aggressive dialogue from Mr. Kakugawa and no claims or charges of misconduct have so far been aired on any media outlet.


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CHARGE 48 - “My campaign didn’t do the “1984” hate ad against Clinton. We didn’t have the capabilities or the inclination.”

EVIDENCE - Your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple laptop, in one afternoon. (CNN’s “Larry King Live,” 3/24/07), (Jake Tapper and Jonathan Greenberger, “Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer,” ABC News, 3/23/07), (Dan Morain, “Ad Creator Claimed Role In Obama Campaign,” Los Angeles Times, 3/23/07), (Jake Tapper and Jonathan Greenberger, “Anti-Clinton Ad Maker Lived With Obama Senate Staffer,” ABC News, 3/23/07)

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama can’t be on top of everything while traveling the country. He says his campaign wasn’t involved and I believe him!

REBUTTAL – “1984” Ad creator Phil De Vellis was an employee of the Blue State Digital computer firm that is among Obama’s consultants. Senator Obama’s claim that his campaign’s connections to De Vellis were thin at best, were further eroded when it was revealed The Senator’s Press Secretary had recently lived with Mr. De Vellis. Furthermore earlier emails from De Vellis bragged about how he had created, while working at Blue State Digital. Joe Rospars, Blue State Digital’s founder, is now Senator Obama’s media director.

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CHARGE 49 - “I have sponsored and passed plenty of Bills in the U.S. Senate. I have experience.”

EVIDENCE - You have passed 2 BILLs in the U.S. Senate – one for Africa and one that makes lobbyists stand while they eat. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has sponsored 123 Bills in the US Senate.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama has one of the worst records for getting bills passed that he has sponsored in the US Senate. That sounds like experience most of us wouldn’t want. The Senator has sponsored and passed 2 Bills in the US Senate - one for the Congo (shock and awe?) and one that makes lobbyists stand when they eat. Impressive work for 4 years on the job.


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CHARGE 50 - “I am tough on Terrorism!”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s friends include Louis Farrakhan, Rashid Khalidi, Nadhmi Auchi, and Ali Abunimah, most support Palestinian terrorism and the destruction of Israel. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama said he would strike terrorists in Pakistan, even without permission. That is tough.

REBUTTAL – That is not tough – it is stupid. Pakistan is a nuclear nation and a fragile if not reluctant ally of the United States. Senator Obama missed the Iran Resolution to declare the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. In addition, he remains on friendly terms and accepts donations from Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright – Nation of Islam members that support Hamas’ call for the destruction of Israel. Wright even reprinted the Hamas Manifesto for his church members, possibly including the Obama family, who were in attendance. Senator Obama continues his associations with Rashid Khalidi, the former PLO spokesman and supporter of Palestinian Suicide Bombers. Nadhmi Auchi and Ali Abunimah have been involved financially with structures opposed to Israel’s right to exist. With friends like these, including American Terrorist William Abu-Zayd Ayers, who needs Jihadists?


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CHARGE 51 - “I respect the office of the President. I will do everything I can to uphold it’s honor and integrity.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s campaign has secretly discussed NAFTA and has legitimized the FARC terrorist organization, outside of the public’s knowledge and before the Senator has won the election. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - There is little evidence that Senator Obama has dealt with either NAFTA or the FARC.

REBUTTAL – The Canadian Government released details of a conversation that Senator Obama’s campaign said never happened, showing that the Senator’s representatives were discussing NAFTA prior to the Senator having won the Nomination, let alone the Presidency. In addition, Raul Reyes, the leader of the FARC terrorist organization attempting to topple the Columbian Government was found dead. On his corpse was found communication relating to legitimacy status once Senator Obama was elected President. This letter eluded to Senator Obama’s campaign having contacted the former FARC leader.

I’m not President, I just play one on TV – doesn’t seem very respectful to us.


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CHARGE 52 - “I am stronger on the issue of the Iraq than either Senator Clinton or Senator McCain.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama has voted for every single Iraq bill since taking office. With many Iraqi millionaires donating to Senator Obama’s campaign, perhaps they have been promised something once U.S. forces leave. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SORUCE 4, SOURCE 5, SOURCE 6

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama did not vote for this war!

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama was not in office to have to decide on the war. The Senator has made several comments implying that many of his stances or not that very different from the President. Of course over the course of the campaign, that rhetoric has gone all but silent. Where Denis Kucinich has voted against even the funding of the war, thus forcing its end, Senator Obama has voted for every single monetary increase in spending so far brought forward. Furthermore, he has adjusted, mostly in private talks, the departure time frame for troops, implying like NAFTA, he is ‘talking for the camera’.


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CHARGE 53 - “I have always supported Universal Health Care.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s health care plan allows 15,000,000 to opt out of having it, forcing Americans to pay for their unpaid bills. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s plan will have mandated coverage just like Senator Clintons! His plan is Universal.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s mandate for health care coverage applies only to children. Once they are adults then can opt out of buying health care. Any emergency room visits or other health service costs they cannot afford will be passed onto the tax payers of America. His plan is no where near Universal.


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CHARGE 54 - “I don’t have to show my patriotism to be patriotic. A pin on my lapel is not important.”

EVIDENCE - Senator is often the only person on stage, at the playing of the National Anthem, that has his hands clasped in front of him and not over his heart. He usually (almost never) refuses to wear a flag pin, even when on Capitol Hill. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Big deal. He doesn’t wear a flag pin and he doesn’t hold his hand over his heart. So what?

REBUTTAL – Being the President Of The United States means representing us all, at home and around the world; our traditions, our values, our beliefs, and our dreams. If a President cannot set an example of what American values look like, sound like, and feel like, then he or she is doing a disservice to us all, by misrepresenting our Nation. The President shows deference and respect to the Nation and the People first – his own preferences taking a back seat to the office. For someone supposedly representing us all, our values and our beliefs, Senator Obama seems to feel his own core beliefs take precedence over what tradition or the public expects. This is further articulated in his fictionalized memoirs and in his associations. Two of his associations strike the most concern as they are quite opposite what the mainstream American would say reflects their values and beliefs. Case in point: the Nation Of Islam and Trinity Church. The Nation Of Islam and Trinity Church have a less then stellar appreciation for the flag of the United States. They blame Whites for Aids being so prevalent in the African American community and they believe that slavery is a debt that must be paid, no matter the chaos, no matter the dissolution of the present society at large. In fact both of these institutions are headed by Muslims or ‘former’ Muslims. They have said they would accept little else but the complete capitulation and reinvention of America, with Afro-Centric concerns trumping all others.. Senator Obama’s spiritual leader has preached harsh, Afro-Centric revisionism for 2 decades, with the Senator in attendance throughout. Louis Farrakhan, an ultra-radical, and founder of the Nation Of Islam, who is a strong hater of Israel and America, is a neighbor of Senator Obama’s and has met with the Senator numerous times, famously during the Million Man March. As for the Senator’s experience with America and her allies, Senator Obama has curiously spent more time in foreign nations that our are ideological adversaries then our sisters in spirit. This is a strange way to show one’s patriotism and love of country.


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Anonymous said...

CHARGE 55 - “My wife’s pay raise was deserved. She is the Vice President of U of C hospital.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s wife’s pay raise was nearly 150% her already bloated salary as one of 13 VP’s U of C Hospital has on staff. Her raise was less then 1 month after her husband won his senate seat. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Michelle’s pay at U of C Hospital is irrelevant.

REBUTTAL – Again, it goes to the honesty and integrity that the Senator and his wife speak about in public. Pay raises that double your salary, a couple of weeks after your husband is elected to an office that can greatly assist the hospital in securing funds, seems somewhat convenient to say the least. In addition this not-for-profit hospital made an amazing $100 Million during the past 3 years. Perhaps some of that profit came from the fact the hospital, despite 13 Vice Presidents including Mrs. Obama, never noticed that patients were being billed, through Medicare and Medicaid, at rates 580% higher then average, for common services. More alarming still is the fact that African American patients were charged on average, 6 times the rates that white patients were charged. Again, with 13 Vice Presidents whose salaries total many millions, how could these terrible imbalances go unnoticed?


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CHARGE 56 - “My wife’s words were taken out of context. She didn’t mean she has never been proud of America.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama, your wife’s comments were complete and fully in context. She has never been proud of America until now – those were her words. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Who cares what Senator Obama’s wife said? She is not running for President.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s wife’s remarks follow lock-step in the vein of Wright and Farrakhan, in relation to their hostility, contempt, and hatred of America. She may indeed not be running for office, but again it shows the Senator’s character, in that he will perpetuate a dishonest accusation, such as her comments were taken out of context when they were NOT, in order to manipulate the public. Mrs. Obama meant every word she said, and those words were quoted in their entirety. One does not have to stretch the imagination as to where the genesis of such ideas took their first form.


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CHARGE 57 - “Senator Clinton was a corporate lawyer for Wal-Mart. I would not associate myself with Wal-Mart.

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s wife has received nearly a quarter of a million dollars in compensation from Wal-Mart supplier Treehouse. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s wife is not running for President.

REBUTTAL – True, Senator Obama’s wife is not running for President, but it does show the Senator’s willingness to misrepresent himself, his family, and their income sources in order to hide associations that prove unsavory or contradictory to public stances. Such willingness to misrepresent the facts shows one’s lack of character and trustworthiness.


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CHARGE 58 - “My church is not particularly controversial.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s church claims AIDS was manufactured by the US Government to kill Black people. P.S. Did you know Jesus was a supporter of slavery? Neither did we. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama is running for President, not pastor of his church!

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama has attended Trinity Church for 20 years. He claims, during the 960 Sundays in the last 20 years, that surprisingly he never managed to be in attendance during one of Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s more outrageous and insulting sermons. It seems that despite the Senator not being aware of what the topic of the sermon would be, he simply lucked out, having never been there for such controversial sermons. Or was he? In the Senator’s own words, during his ‘Race Speech’ after the media ran Rev. Wright’s sermons on the air, Senator Obama said: “Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”. Reverend Wright not only claimed that AIDS was created by the White U.S. Government to kill Blacks (as if Whites didn’t get it?) but also that the U.S. was to blame for the attack on 9/11. Reverend Wright and his church published in their Sunday Bulletin the Hamas Manifesto as typical non-controversial reading material for Sunday services. After naming Louis Farrakhan Person Of The Year, and after stating Jesus supported slavery by the White man against the Black man, one can deduce these comments and suggestion are not just controversial, but also Anti-American, Anti-Israeli, and Anti-White.


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CHARGE 59 - I disagree with my church all the time. Rev. Wright is like an Uncle to me and you can’t choose family.

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama continues to donate large sums of money to Trinity Church. This helps spread the churches’ message. PS – Jeremiah Wright is a Reverend – not a relative. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama, as an American, has freedom of religion and he can choose whatever church he likes!

REBUTTAL – And we have the freedom to choose someone other than Senator Obama for President because of the judgment he displays and the company he keeps. The Senator claims ‘You can’t choose family’; we respectfully remind the good Senator Rev. Wright is not his family, he is his pastor. And you can always choose a different pastor if you don’t like what he has to say. Considering the Obama’s have donated on average $500/week to Trinity, or about $22,000/year, we find that a strange way of showing one’s disagreement or dissatisfaction with one’s church. Incidentally, Rev. Wright has just retired to his $1.6 Million dollar mansion, in an almost exclusively White neighborhood. So much for practicing what you preach.


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CHARGE 60 - “I never heard sermons at Trinity like those being played on Youtube and by the mainstream media.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama said: “Did I ever hear him (Rev. Wright) make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.” SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama said he disagreed with what Reverend Wright said, what more do you want him to say?

REBUTTAL – Not only did Senator Obama agree with Rev. Wright, 14 months earlier about having to distance himself from the church, (and Rev. Wright himself), Senator Obama said he had never heard sermons that contained anything like what the mainstream media and Youtube were playing ‘on every station’. 3 days later, in his own speech, he stated ““Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.” ‘What more do we want him to say?’ We think ‘I Lied.’ would be sufficient.


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CHARGE 61 - “People are out to get me because I am trying to change Washington. My passport files were looked into illegally.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s own Campaign Foreign Policy Adviser is the CEO of the company that looked into the passport records. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s passport files WERE looked into illegally, and so were Senator Clinton’s and Senator McCain’s.

REBUTTAL – Not only is Senator Obama’s Campaign Foreign Policy Adviser the CEO of the company that illegally looked into the Senator’s passport file, the same company looked into Senator Obama’s rivals – Senators Clinton and McCain – a year earlier. One must ask the question, for what reason would Senator Obama’s Foreign Policy Adviser have to sneak a peak at his employer’s passport files? He could simply have asked his boss any questions he may have had. Of course if one wanted to perhaps throw off the scent of snooping, once the Clinton and McCain breach became public knowledge, looking into everyone’s record would be a way to do it. If everyone is the victim who can tell the crook? Nice try, Campaign Obama. Sometimes not the hunted, but The Hunter?


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CHARGE 62 - “Rev. Meeks is not involved in my campaign.”

EVIDENCE - Rev. Meeks appeared in ads for the Senator’s Senate Campaign, and continues to raise money for him during his Presidential run. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama is running for office, not Reverend Meeks.

REBUTTAL – Reverend James Meeks is another of Senator Obama’s ‘Spiritual Counselors’. The Reverend is known, like Rev. Wright, for tearing up the pulpit, with anti-White and anti-Gay rhetoric. Rev. Meeks invited Senator Obama to campaign at his church, has appeared in commercials for him in Illinois, and will be one of Senator Obama’s 2008 Delegates at the Denver Convention. One can reasonably conclude that James Meeks is involved in Senator Obama’s campaign.


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CHARGE 63 - “I have the best plan to cure the Mortgage crisis.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s Finance Chair on his Presidential campaign is Penny Prizker, one of the architects of the Subprime Lending Scheme. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has vowed to fight foreclosures on Americans.

REBUTTAL – Putting one of the masterminds behind the subprime scheme on your campaign does not sound like a good choice if you are on the side of the people. Penny Pritzker is a member of one of the richest banking families in the United States. She, along with Ernst and Young, helped concoct the mortgage manipulation that has resulted in the real estate collapse in the U.S. Senator Obama’s plan does not call for a moratorium on foreclosures nor does it call for interest rates to be frozen to assist homeowners in catching up with payments. Additionally, Senator Obama has a long list of Subprime donors to the tune of $1.18 Million Dollars: $266,907 from Lehman, $5395 from GMAC, $150,850 from Credit Suisse First Boston, $11,250 from Countrywide, $9052 from Washington Mutual, $161,850 from Citigroup, $4600 from CBASS, $170,050 from Morgan Stanley, $1150 from Centex, and last but certainly not least, $351,900 from Goldman Sachs.


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CHARGE 64 - “I am running a clean campaign, high on hope and free of negative attacks.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama’s campaign has launched over 206 media attacks on Senator Clinton alone. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3,

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has run a fair and positive campaign.

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama continues to launch negative attacks against his opponents while claiming he is merely defending himself. has amassed, with dates and quotes, over 200 media attacks from Senator Obama’s campaign, many of which are first-strike, pre-emptive negative messages and policy distortions. He continues using phone and mailing campaigns that are both negative and factually inaccurate. We guess Hope doesn’t spring eternal.


Anonymous said...

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CHARGE 65 - “I was being honest when I used the term ‘typical white people’, not racist.”

EVIDENCE - If one cannot say ‘typical black people’ without being labeled racist, then the reverse is likewise racist. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s words were taken out of context.

REBUTTAL – There is no context in which that statement can be made, truncated or complete, that is not offensive. Senator Obama and his family have spent 20 years in a church that has preached the miseries brought on the black community by ‘typical white people’. Michelle Obama’s statements about never being proud of America until now, and that American is ignorant, fits part and parcel into the ideology, tone, and direction of Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Wright, and Reverend James Meeks. To claim that they have never heard such statements made in their church raises the question of how and why have they formed such similar opinions in regards to Wright, Meeks, and the Nation of Islam. Having never being proud, calling your country ignorant, and labeling people typical, based on their color doesn’t see new, hopeful, or different. If one were to infer any such thing to any race one would be labeled a racist, so in keeping with that established precedent, the term ‘typical white people’ is racist.


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CHARGE 66 - “My campaign donations are from millions of average people {bitter, typical white people too?}. We are winning in a new way, without corporate influence, or special interests.”

EVIDENCE - The implication is that special interests, corporations, banks, and industry donations are not accepted. Nothing could be further from the truth. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, SOURCE 4, SOURCE 5

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama has millions of donors who have given less than $100.

REBUTTAL – True, Senator Obama does have many donors that have given less then $100. Senator Obama also allows the false impression that he does not take PAC or lobbyist money, money from Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Industry, or Corporate Am
Stop Obama » List of Lieson 23 Feb 2008 at 3:46 pm 2

[…] Obama Basics […]
Stop Obama » The Zero that Can’t Winon 29 Feb 2008 at 12:49 am 3

[…] Obama Basics […]
skipon 02 Apr 2008 at 4:28 pm 4

Here are the lies from the Audacity of Hypocrisy page

I think its best you just past them right here.

Power to whoever is behind Audacity of Hypocrisy. Keep up the good work man
skipon 02 Apr 2008 at 4:55 pm 5

Here is a link to a timeline of Obama’s life, its awesome!

PS. Jeff Gold at this site, says he found errors on the timeline, but said it was the best “critical timeline” of Obama out on the internet “at present”.
Juanita Gonzaleson 03 Apr 2008 at 1:40 am 6

from -

That’s when things got testy. Here’s the exchange:

Photographer: “Senator, can I have a quick picture with you?” (Obama declines and walks away.)

Photographer: “It will take you two seconds. Don’t cram me, I’m not doing anything to anybody. Jesus.”

(Later on …)

Photographer: “Senator can I get a picture with you?”

Obama: “You are wearing me out, brother.”

Photographer: “I got one with (Clinton) and I got one with McCain, come on Senator that’s not right.”

(Later on …)

Photographer: “Senator, can I please, a quick one?”

Obama: “No, you know what, no.”

Photographer: “Can I just say something to you real fast?”

Obama: “Yeah you can.”

Photographer: “I had one with (Clinton) had one with Senator McCain.”

Obama: “I am sure you do. Because when I was trying to talk to some kids — and I know, look …”

Photographer: “No, my wife is a school teacher and she was there, she had to go back and that wasn’t right. Why won’t you just take a picture with me? I’m not asking you for an autograph. It’s for my family.”

Obama: “Yeah well whatever. Just take it. I won’t be smiling. Because you’ve been wearing me out … No no, you’ve been really rude about it. But that’s okay. Just take a shot. Take your shot because you were rude.”

At that point, Secret Service stepped in and put a hand between him and Obama — they did not end up taking a picture together.
Not Soldon 04 Apr 2008 at 8:29 pm 7

Hmmm, I’m not sold on your ideas. Most of your points are kind of “so what?” at best.
ehon 05 Apr 2008 at 2:59 pm 8

everybody lies. clinton lied too. so what? he used to be muslim..not all muslims are extremists. shouldnt be that ignorant. being a muslim is not a bad thing..but being a muslim in america wont get you very far bc thats just how ignorant america is. all the past presidents have lied. its part of the game. what is he lying about compared to what clinton is lying about? she shouldnt tell stump speeches that can be proven false. thats where obama beats her..nobody can know for sure whether he is truthful but no one can prove him wrong with hard facts (pictures and medical records) either
Karenon 06 Apr 2008 at 10:13 am 9

I just don’t understand how Obama has been less than forthright about his Muslim background - and the MSM just doesn’t get it!

I had heard rumors about him being a Muslim numerous times, and dismissed them since he publicly and unequivocally declared he wasn’t a Muslim. Then I stumbled upon more details, verifying that he isn’t a Muslim now, but that he was one before (by some accounts for 27 years of his life). I investigated a bit and came across two interesting articles (L.A.Times and New York Times) in which even his campaign finally admits that he was a Muslim. I would love to have this clarified and also know why he has been evading the issue & been less than forthright about it.

Excerpts from the articles:

The L.A.Times article by Paul Watson, March 15th, 2007 - “To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago,” [Robert Gibbs]’ Jan. 24 statement said. In a statement to The Times on Wednesday, the campaign offered slightly different wording, saying: “Obama has never been a practicing Muslim.”

Also, the New York Times article by Nicholas Kristof, March 6th, 2007: “Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

The Muslim call to prayer is one of the “prettiest sounds on Earth”?? Wow, I wonder what America thinks of that.
Jill L.on 06 Apr 2008 at 12:46 pm 10

Sure all politicians lie, er ’shade the truth’ … it’s the nature of the beast… but Obama does it with how shall I say… so much more ‘colour’? ~ Personally I don’t trust him, I don’t know him, his past seems to be more obfuscated every day, he appears aloof, arrogant, and a bit too impressed with his own importance for my taste … at least Hillary has been vetted inside and out so I know who I’m getting: - a passionate women who by her continued public service,l has proven to have, first and foremost, the interests of her country as her first priority … and I don’t give a damn what Bill did or didn’t do when he was in Office, that is long past, … I do, however, remember it’s was a very prosperous time for this country.

Unfortunately, unless the MSM gets a little bit more curious, as this site and others like it are, (good luck with that idea!) there is little hope that the public at large will even know about these little tidbits until the General Election smackdown!

Makes me quite sad to invision the possibility of having to support Obama in order to prevent the GOP from getting their tenacious little mitts on the Supreme Court ! (oops, was “mitt” a Freudian slip perhaps?)

Sincerely, sickened in Florida, the forgotten State :-(
andjon 06 Apr 2008 at 3:33 pm 11

I being a woman would have loved to support her. However she has lied numerous times. More blatantly then Obama. I cant vote for someone who doesnt have integrity.

And if Im going to be cynical and accept that politicians are going to lie then I dont want one who is such an amateur - who lies when their is video evidence to the contrary. Or who lies about an implausible hospital story (she should have know it was due to her healthcare experience)

Is Hillary paying for this website??
Michaeleneon 11 Apr 2008 at 4:47 am 12

andj, you need to find out the truth about Obama before you vote or you will have voter’s regret like hundreds of thousands in America.
Hillary did not lie about the Hospital, the Hospital was trying to spin it so they can keep their funding. Her family has come forth and told the true story..
Hillary’s Bosnia trip was not all flowers, read the NYT article written by the reporters who travelled with her.
Are you one of the people who still believe that Wright’s words were played in a video loop. The transcripts to a dozen or more similar sermons.
Then read the Audacity of Hope, where he writes about his drug use and desire to meet with Hamas and stand united with Muslims.
He is a divider. He lies.
At least Hillary has taken a stance on the issues of our Nation, she does her job and votes in the Senate.
Obama’s 300+ present votes send a clear message to me, flip floping liar!
Janeton 12 Apr 2008 at 11:43 pm 13

you can’t be a leader and not know what Islam means. That said, Barack Obama went to a madrassa in Jakarta for 2 years. A madrassa in a Muslim country Indonesia. He says he also went to a catholic school for the other two years there, but since his step-father was a muslim, and according to Obama his mom was an athiest, iwhy would on earth would they send him to catholic school.?? Whether he was devout or secular, he knows what was taught. He knows what is in the Koran (Quran). Even if he is ambiguous, he knows the stakes involved. His father was a Muslim who took three wives (without divorcing). His stepfather and close members of his family are devout Muslims. Not an un-important influence.

Every Muslim who left Islam is very definitive about leaving and why.They are quite vocal - Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Walid Shoebat, Elijah Abraham, etc. If he left Islam, Obama must have very definite thoughts about it. He has to, he practiced Islam. That is not benign; it’s big. And even if, as inferred by big media, it was not big to him, then he can still appreciate how important it is knowing what he knows about Islam and apostasy.
Obama would have had to make a decision to reject Islam. When did he make that decision? How? Why the silence? Why the reluctance to talk about it?
Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam for males. Have there been calls for Obama’s death? If not, why not? Islam gives no free passes. Obama’s posture on this is “he has never been a muslim” although born to a muslim father and his grandfather was a muslim, this is a critical issue, not whether or not he is a muslim, but the consequences of denying what he was born to, and how to muslim or islam or islamic laws view him
WhiteMinorityon 14 Apr 2008 at 5:53 pm 14

Thanks for the great information. I will be sure to tell the world. Just wonder how a SCUMBAG like Nobama can have so much control in Illinois. I really felt sorry for the people there but wonder now when they learn more about how down right un-American and prejudice he always has been and will be if they will move to another state after this. Maybe the Obama cult here from Ca. could all move over there too! Would be a nice place to live then…
Johnny Montezon 17 Apr 2008 at 1:58 pm 15

There is a pathological liar currently occupying the White House so what is the diffrerence…To the dude “White Minority” I live in Illinois and Obama has little control in Illinois..wake up and quit whining!
Johnny Montezon 17 Apr 2008 at 1:59 pm 16

Cmon..admit it..You fear the Black Man!!!!
Stop-Obama » The White Cannot Stand Up to Wright!on 02 May 2008 at 1:03 am 17

[…] exaggerations, deliberate distortions, inventions and manipulations (we’ve reposted it here). Everyone should see it, see it and make sure everyone else sees it! I commend the list’s […]
mick thomason 04 May 2008 at 7:58 am 18

Hello thank you for what you are doing. Anyone who is not a blinded sheep knows obama cant win against Mccain in november, and we will be stuck with 4 more years of republicanism. I would even vote for mccain (a first in my 39 years for voting for a republican) if obama is the nominee. This man is possibly the scariest presidential candidate ever (and not because he’s black, but because his followers are zombie-like who would never criticise him, and are almost antichrist follower-like in their blind ambitions). I have listened to him talk and its more like a homeless man ranting on the sidewalk than an actual presidential candidate. am i really that much smarter than most americans or is it something else on a more spiritual level telling me something is wrong with this whole movement’? last time the earth saw a movement like this, Hitler was elected. what a jerk, dont make me switch parties to republican (puke) but i will if hillary doesnt win. mick,pennsylvania
Markon 07 May 2008 at 4:38 am 19

Obama NEVER should have run this election at all. He’s the one who divided this party along lines of gender, race, class and age while claiming it is Senator Clinton who is divisive. If that’s the case how come before he was foisted on us by the media all the polls showed us all on the same page with Clinton having a huge lead. Once the MSM got into their lovefest for Obama and put her down relentlessly everyone was divided. This was NOT done by Clinton it was Obama. If he had gone as VP even, we might have had dems with a sixteen year run in the White House. IF Obama put the party first why did he not do this?? He’s just a liar all around and if he wins this nomination many, many of us who have been life long dems will not vote dem for the first time in our lives. I’ll sit on my hands in November as I cannot forgive him insisting on running right now and tearing this party apart while blaming someone else for what HE has done!

To hell with Obama. I have never seen anyone run for president who is as shady a character as this projector of blame is.

Wake up Dems. If you want the White House in November you better not vote for this guy.
obamamisrepresentedon 12 May 2008 at 5:42 pm 20

This is completely ludicris. This website in general is terribel, but specifically this. Your sources are extremely opinionated, coming mostly from the same book. Also, most of your “evidence” that Obama is a liar could be found among most politicians. You can’t just take sound bytes and use them to bring someone down. I could probably find twice as much of this “evidence” on Hillary Clinton (i.e. “Dodging bullets?”). And what about her flip flopping?
Lets just say she does get the nomination. All the Republicans that voted for her would swing over to McCain. Oops. Hillary loses 65% to 30%.
To all those looking at this site, if you want any chance at having a Democratic president, by all means VOTE FOR OBAMA. This fight shouldn’t be waged between Hillary and Obama. What do you think McCain is doing while all this whining is going on? McCain IS MOPPING UP VOTES. As Democrats, we need to come together. We’ve had too many years of Nixons, Regans, and Bushes. If you want to really help out America, go for Obama.

Roseon 12 May 2008 at 9:52 pm 21

Oh look at the Obamabots trying to defend their messiah and failing miserably. The truth hurts, doesn’t it? If you actually took the time to do your research instead of drink that Kool-Aid, you would realise that the information does ring true and comes from more than “one source”.

As for the claim that Hillary also tells lies? Well, to my knowledge, Hillary has never claimed to be different than the rest of Washington politicians. Hillary may tell lies, but Barack IS a lie. There is the difference.
ruthon 22 May 2008 at 7:27 pm 22

Obam changed his name after his visit to pakistan when he was about 19 years old…He was accompanied with about 3 pakii muslims on his m.e. visit….When he returned and went to new york he informed another muslim (his room mate) that his name was Barrack HUSSEIN…I believe this is all in his books..Muslims always take AN ARABAIN
ruthon 22 May 2008 at 7:29 pm 23

Obam changed his name after his visit to pakistan when he was about 19 years old…He was accompanied with about 3 pakii muslims on his m.e. visit….When he returned and went to new york he informed another muslim (his room mate) that his name was Barrack HUSSEIN…I believe this is all in his books..Muslims always take AN ARABIAN name when they convert, revert or assume the practice of Islam.
Stop-Obama » Media Watchdogs Manipulate and Mislead Publicon 30 May 2008 at 1:09 am 24

[…] Obama Basics […]
Jackon 06 Jun 2008 at 9:13 am 25

Considering Obama is such a criminal scumbag I find it curious that Clinton managed to lose to him in spite of the 150 SD lead, the 120 million dollar lead, invaluable name recognition and her massive rolodex while one of the most popular former presidents of all time campaigned for her.. She held all the good cards from the beginning and she failed.

franklin bethamon 08 Jun 2008 at 10:15 pm 26

did obama murder vince foster? Many people wonder if its true.

I support this website 100%.. thank you!
rickyaon 19 Jun 2008 at 6:38 pm 27

andjon 06 Apr 2008 at 3:33 pm

Any evidence?
regina lambon 23 Jun 2008 at 7:23 pm 28

Do you really think your misinformation, slanders and libelous comments will have any effect on right thinking Americans? Your tactics are dead in the water because there are too many new voters in the process who won’t be buying that crap. They’ve come to bury those of your ilk forever.
MPRon 24 Jun 2008 at 12:24 pm 29

So much to investigate! Where to begin? This Obama is an EMPTYSUIT and a bigoted, liar, elitest fraud.

Wow…thanks DNC.
regina lambon 24 Jun 2008 at 3:47 pm 30

The Southern strategy was brilliant. It is a strategy of carrying Southern States that the Republicans devised and was popularized by Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips for exploiting racism among white voters.

In an interview included in a 1970 Mr. Phillips said:

“From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don’t need any more than that… but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That’s where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”

Obviously we see how this approach worked in our present red state blue state era, starting with states in the white South for offices from the presidency on down.

The only downside was Watergate. But the policy was resurrected and it worked with Reagan’s campaign using buzz words like “states’ rights” which is code for a candidate’s OPPOSITION to federal enforcement of the U.S. Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts or intervention on behalf of blacks or passage of legislation to protect the franchise of the vote.

Recent code words have been “busing”, “law & order”, and more recently “abortion” “gay marriage” or “religion”. The new “Federalism” platform of the Republican Party “is, and always has been, nothing but a code word for the politics of resentment, OF WHICH RACISM PROVIDES THE FUEL.”

All of this traces back its roots to after the Civil War when freed slaves were granted full citizenship and the South received extra Electoral Votes.

In 1981, Lee Atwater (who was a trusted advisor of U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush) described Republican Southern politics in an interview with NYTimes columnist Bob Herbert:

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N*gger, n*gger, n*gger.” By 1968 you can’t say “n*gger”—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things AND A BYPRODUCT OF THEM IS [that) BLACKS GET HURT WORSE than whites.

And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N*gger, n*gger.”

NYTimes columnist Bob Herbert wrote: “Tired of losing elections, [The Republican Party] saw an opportunity to renew itself by opening its arms wide to white voters who could never forgive the Democratic Party for its support of civil rights and voting rights for blacks.”

To read more on this fascinating subject on how the electorate has been manipulated IN THE LAST 40 YEARS with division of the races and racism and to see how it was suggested for use by Rush Limbaugh and Roland Martin in the 2008 primaries go to

If you want to stop this bovine scatology you know for whom you must vote.
Johnon 01 Jul 2008 at 12:45 pm 31

Wow… this site is a bunch of dumb racists.
Support Our Troopson 13 Jul 2008 at 9:31 am 32

I’m sure this is the short list. Great Job!

Ask any obama supporter what his “change” entails and you will get a blank stare. They sure do like waving those signs around; like bunch of blind sheep.
OKon 15 Jul 2008 at 5:05 pm 33

Regina Lamb:

You should have included the rest of this article in wikipedia regarding “Southern Strategy” (which now means conservative values)
“After the American Civil War, Southern states gained additional seats in the House of Representatives and representation in the Electoral College because freed slaves were granted full citizenship and suffrage. Southern white resentment stemming from the Civil War and the Republican Party’s policy of Reconstruction kept most southern whites in the Democratic Party, but the Republicans could compete in the South with a coalition of freedmen, Unionists and highland whites.

Rising intimidation and violence by white paramilitary groups such as the White League and Red Shirts during the mid to late-1870s contributed to turning out Republican officeholders and suppressing the black vote. After the North agreed to withdraw federal troops under the Compromise of 1877, white Democrats used a variety of tactics to reduce voting by African Americans and poor whites. In the 1880s they began to pass legislation making election processes more complicated.

From 1890 to 1908, the white Democratic legislatures in every Southern state enacted new constitutions or amendments with provisions to disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites. Provisions required complicated processes for poll taxes, residency, literacy tests and other requirements which were subjectively applied against blacks and poor whites. As blacks lost their vote, the Republican Party lost its ability to effectively compete.[6] There was a dramatic drop in voter turnout as these measures took effect and continued in Texas and across the South.[7]

The South became solidly white Democratic until past the middle of the 20th century. Effectively, Southern white Democrats controlled all the votes of the expanded population by which Congressional apportionment was figured. Many of their representatives achieved powerful positions of seniority in Congress, giving them control of chairmanships of Congressional committees. African Americans could not elect one person to represent their interests and filled no local elected offices, where government was closest to the people. Because they could not be voters, they were also prevented from being jurors and serving in local offices. Services and institutions for them in the segregated South were chronically underfunded.

During this period, Republicans held only a few House seats from the South. Between 1880 and 1904, Republican presidential candidates in the South received between 35 and 40 percent of that section’s vote (except in 1892, when the 16 percent for the Populists knocked Republicans down to 25 percent). From 1904 to 1948, Republicans received more than 30 percent of the section’s votes only in the 1920 (35.2 percent, carrying Tennessee) and 1928 elections (47.7 percent, carrying five states). The only important political role of the South in presidential elections came in the 1912 election, when it provided the delegates to select Taft over Theodore Roosevelt in that year’s Republican convention.

During this period, Republicans occasionally supported anti-lynching bills, which were filibustered by Southern Democrats in the Senate, and appointed a few black placeholders. In the 1928 election, the Republican candidate Herbert Hoover rode the issues of prohibition and anti-Catholicism to carry five former Confederate states, with 62 of the 126 electoral votes of the section. After his victory, Hoover attempted to build up the Republican Party of the South, transferring patronage away from blacks and toward the same kind of white Protestant businessmen who made up the core of the Northern Republican Party. With the onset of the Great Depression, which severely impacted the South, Hoover soon became extremely unpopular. The gains of the Republican Party in the South were lost. In the 1932 election, Hoover received only 18.1 percent of the Southern vote for re-election.”

Yes as always there is someone in each Political Party that gets the wrong headed idea of bulding power. It happens, but at least there are some good people to make up for it.

President Eisenhower was the 1st Republican –”He proposed to Congress the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 and signed those acts into law. Although both Acts were weaker than subsequent civil rights legislation, they constituted the first significant civil rights acts since the 1870s.”

When Social Security and Medicare began to expand and offer money for votes did poor whites and blacks became Democrats. The ultimate formula for breaking up families.

People didn’t have to be self -sufficient any longer. The Government can take care of it. President LBJ’s “War on Poverty”?
Ichigo Kurosakion 04 Aug 2008 at 2:14 am 34

Recently, Obama called an immigration raid on a meat-packing plant an act of “vigilanteism”. As I recall, the participants were all fully accredited law enforcement officers, not vigilantes.

It is strange that a lawyer, now legislator who wants to be the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, would call police officers doing their job ‘vigilantes’. Obama has verbally denigrated every law enforcement officer in the nation, including the ones who keep people from killing his sorry arse.

One thing is clear: Obama will do NOTHING to solve the illegal immigration problem except pander to the Patróns of México and La Raza.

Anonymous said...

TV station retracts stories about Obama-Blago meeting

TV station retracts stories about Obama-Blago meeting
Articles reported governor discussed vacant Senate seat with president-elect
Posted: December 10, 2008
6:08 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Gov. Rod Blagojevich leaves his Chicago home this morning through the back alley (Courtesy Chicago Sun-Times)

The controversy over whether Barack Obama has been in contact with Gov. Rod Blagojevich about filling his vacated Senate seat took another turn, with two reports of alleged conversations now retracted by their sources.

Obama told reporters yesterday he had no contact with Blagojevich about filling the seat. But a Nov. 5 news report said the president-elect planned to discuss the subject in a meeting with the Illinois governor that day.

The report by KHQA-TV's Carol Sowers originally was posted on the website of the Quincy, Ill., station. The article said "one of Obama's first priorities" on the day after his election was a meeting with Blagojevich planned that afternoon to discuss the Senate seat.

A story by the Quincy station later that week indicated the meeting took place.

The station removed the links to the archived stories today, however, and posted an explanation after they were circulated on Internet blogs and reported by WND.

"KHQA TV wishes to offer clarification regarding a story that appeared last month on our website The story, which discussed the appointment of a replacement for President Elect Obama in the U.S. Senate, became the subject of much discussion on talk radio and on blog sites Wednesday. The story housed in our website archive was on the morning of November 5, 2008. It suggested that a meeting was scheduled later that day between President Elect Obama and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. KHQA has no knowledge that any meeting ever took place. Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date."

Reporters in Chicago yesterday asked Obama what contact he'd had with the governor's office about his replacement in the Senate after Blagojevich was arrested by federal authorities for a "political corruption crime spree" that included an effort to "sell" the Senate seat.

Obama replied, "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."

(Story continues below)

But ABC's Jake Tapper pointed out Obama senior adviser David Axelrod also indicated otherwise in a Nov. 23 interview with Fox TV's Chicago affiliate.

"I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them," Axelrod said, referring to potential Senate appointees.

A video of the comments is available here:

Later yesterday, however, Axelrod issued a retraction.

"I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the president-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy," he said. "They did not then or at any time discuss the subject." points out a Chicago Sun-Times story the day after the KHQA report quoted Blagojevich saying he had not spoken to Obama about the matter but would give "a great deal of weight" to the president-elect's recommendations.

Nevertheless, KHQA reported in a follow-up story Nov. 8 that "Obama met with Governor Rod Blagojevich earlier this week."

Screen shot of original report

Yesterday, after speaking to reporters, Obama gave an interview to the Chicago Tribune in which he reiterated that he had not spoken to Blagojevich about the Senate seat. But he refused to answer whether any of his staff had discussed the subject with the governor, citing the restrictions of an ongoing investigation.

"I have not discussed the Senate seat with the governor at any time," Obama told the Chicago paper. "My strong belief is that it needed to be filled by somebody who is going to represent the people of Illinois and fight for them. And beyond that, I was focused on the transition."

Asked if he was aware of any conversations between Blagojevich and any top aides, including Chief of Staff John Harris or Rahm Emanuel, Obama said: "John, let me stop you there because, as I said it out there, it's an ongoing investigation. I think it would be inappropriate for me to, you know, remark on the situation beyond the facts that I know. And that's the fact that I didn't discuss this issue with the governor at all."

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Anonymous said...

1 Don't look at me--I'm not buying.

2 Fats Waller told me to tell you your left hand sucks.

Anonymous said...

YOU TUBE VIDEO Baraka Obama attacks the Bible openly
mocks the Lord God of Heaven and the law the prhets and Jesus Christ himself


Is OBAMA the ANTICHRIST? - 12 of 19 characteristics are met! YOU MUST SEE THIS!

Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

IS OBAMA REALLY a MUSLIM or ARAB? The absolute TRUTH Documented HERE!

Does Obama fulfill Muslim Mahdi prophecy?

the mahdi
* He will speak with a slight stutter

*He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years."

Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur.

On 9 March 1997, (preceding the 23 March 1997 lunar eclipse) a total solar eclipse occured.

On 9 March 1997, (preceding the 23 March 1997 lunar eclipse) a total solar eclipse

Member of the Illinois Senate
from the 13th district
In office
January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004

Anonymous said...

Proof Obama is a Muslim]
and so can the mahdi the iranian religious authorities are in contact with

Anonymous said...


Obama Redistribution of Wealth Plan - NEW! 10/26/2008
The mahdi will fill the earths poor with wealth
he is an antichrist a false prhet the world will worship and accept him, and.......THEY HAVE!!!.

Anonymous said...

Well lets see what the islamic world do with Obama when he goes to them after his inarguration.
then we will see if he is indeed THE ONE
He has already shown himself to be the enemy of God and His christ, Jesus the Messiah, by mocking the lukewarm politcal christians telling them Gods laws can never be part of a humen government- but he relshes it! He thinks himself superiour and even though like the devil himself knows Gods laws and truth shall not be carried out by any worldly government HE HIMSELF CHOSE TO SERVE IN A WORLDS GOVERNMENT AND NOT ONLY SERVE BUT STROVE TO BECOME LEADER OF THE WESTERN WORLD!

Anonymous said...

<< Revelation 13 >>
King James Bible
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. 6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

Anonymous said...

In the African tradition the leopard is the symbol of royalty

The African Lion is also a symbol of Kenyan nationhood

The Russian Bear Returns to Africa .....

Anonymous said...

YOU TUBE VIDEO Baraka Obama attacks the Bible openly
mocks the Lord God of Heaven and the law the prohets and Jesus Christ himself


Is OBAMA the ANTICHRIST? - 12 of 19 characteristics are met! YOU MUST SEE THIS!

Obama - 7 strange coincidences - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

IS OBAMA REALLY a MUSLIM or ARAB? The absolute TRUTH Documented HERE!

Does Obama fulfill Muslim Mahdi prophecy?

Anonymous said...

The Lord God is Asking Men to recieve Life and is warning of the man of sin the son of pedition.

April 16, 2008
"OBAMA SHALL LEAD YOU" says the Lord

The Lord is warning man to repent and recieve Life and is warning them of obama

Jesis is calling on all to recieve life
The son of God in him is life alone outside him is nothing.

Anonymous said...

*Woe to Those Who Come Against Israel! Says The LORD! (*voice & fx)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*You Have Hastened the Day! (*voice over)

Andy said...

God, you're a real pain in the ass.

Anonymous said...

It taketh one to know one.

Anonymous said...

The Day of Deliverance and Judgement...Bitter Sorrows

Anonymous said...

The Voice of Truth (part 1)...Thus says The Lord

Andy said...

Hey, Big Guy, 's jus' the beer talkin'.

I really love you, man.

Anonymous said...

1 Yeah, right.

2 With you, the beer talks in stereo.

Anonymous said...

The Voice of Truth (part 2)...Thus says The Lord

Anonymous said...

The World is STRICKEN a Corrupt Tree... Says THE LORD!

Anonymous said...

Ezekiel 33

Anonymous said...

The Enemy is in your land and about to take his seat for satan


Prophecy told by NYS Senator Bill Perkins on OBAMA '08

Andy said...

God, this one is one of yours.

Can't you get him a life or something?

Anonymous said...

1 Ah, but you see THIS IS his life.

2 Nice try.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS how obama will steal all the money of the earth and be head of the nwo

12 Why it shall come to pass, that when the Lord has performed his whole work on mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.

13 For he said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

14 And my hand has found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathers eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.

15 Shall the ax boast itself against him that hews therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shakes it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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