Monday, November 24, 2008


They're dimming the lights at the Limited Hangout, and it's last call at the Cointelpro Cafe. Apparently, The Dynamic Duo (the Fetzer-Barrett tag-team show on GCN) is ending its current run. As the curtain rings down, Fetz is still mired deep in the "no-plane" distraction, Kevin Barrett is still giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, and Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood continue their low-key, bizarro improv.

It's all reminiscent of a Beckett play. You know that the characters are trapped in their scripts, and must repeat their lines endlessly without growth or epiphanies. Godot is never going to appear with the key piece of evidence that will Prove Conclusively How It Was Done So Let's Move On With Our Lives Already. If you haven't heard it from us yet, here it is: The 9/11 Truth Movement is the last and best manifestation of The Theatre of The Absurd.

And this: The 9/11 Truth Movement doesn't actually move. You can be certain the Fetzer-Barrett-Reynolds Endgame on GCN will continue as concentric ripples into outer space, forever.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, Andy. This post struck me squarely in my ennui. Is that all there is?
I continue to think Fetzer is well-meaning but one of the most disingenuous people around. If history is a series of unfortunate events it looks like history is subsuming the 911 Truth Movement. The 911 dilettantes are proven right after all.


Anonymous said...

Hey heres a free interview!!

Vyzygoth should have this girl on as a guest she really makes some valid logical points and her research is the only 911 research i know of that is factually correct..

also this is another one
very good interviews these.

and another

The lady in the only person who speaks any sense in regards to 911.

way cool,
see ya!

Andy said...

I'm sure Vyz would love to interview Dr. Wood. Thanks for the suggestion!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting the link to your interview. I am one with an interest in the events of 9/11 and the subsequent residual affects, but not one active in the community. I knew some of the people you discussed, but mostly not. I've watched a few versions of "Loose Change," "911 Mysteries," and a few other videos, have read some David Ray Griffin books, looked through the Jim Marrs book on 9/11, heard you on Vyzygoth's show (plus other shows Vince has presented on 9/11 related topics), heard Webster Tarpley on a few podcasts, and listened to a number of shows on I feel I have a pretty decent handle on most of the major issues (some real, some bogus) in this. It makes sense that those behind 9/11 events would want to either silence or discredit any serious investigations or discussions on the topics, and your laundry list is very useful. However, that leaves those of us with an interest in the truth, falling shy of devoting our lives to it, to not really know where to turn for good information.

If you listed some sources that you think are fairly accurate and above board at this time, you would invariably be tainted by your own slant on things. However, that might be helpful for the weekend investigator so we don't waste time and money on useless studies.

Any suggestions?

I'll keep watching your blog for updates, and continue to listen to Beyond the Grassy Knoll, as I already do.


Andy said...


Thanks for your great comment. We've been discussing what you said, and we should have something for you soon.

You're right. There has to be SOMEBODY we can recommend to get people started here. Even some of the members of our Rogues' Gallery have done good work at times. We'll grant that.

Herb and I are on the case. We'll keep you posted.

Many thanks,

Herb said...

Thanks for your comment F. I think Vyz has had the best coverage of the physical evidence:

Dave on the Towers.

CIT on the Pentacon.

And Vyz himself along with Wing Tv on Flight 93.

Another notable would be Dave McGowan and his 9/11 series. Although I don't agree with him on a couple of things, I've learned quite a bit from him.

As far as the more prominent "truthers" I think that Griffin is very good especially on the legal aspect 9/11 and Jim Marrs' book was pretty good also. I highly recommend Jim Hoffman's "Waking up from our Nightmare." Short and to the point.

I think the above gives you a some solid footing. I'm not sure about what did or didn't hit the towers and video fakery. Waiting for the dust to settle on those issues.

I also think non-911 material like Mark Lane's books on the Kennedy assassination and Anthony Sutton's Wall Street series are very useful.

Hope this helps.

Andy said...

Here's the link to the Citizens' Investigation Team site for The Pentacon.

Unknown said...

Thank you. Yes, that does help. I listen to Vyzygoth's show regularly and have heard a few about 9/11. For the most part, I avoid forums because the sorts of issues that fly back and forth often have little to do with the main material. And thanks to your long laundry list, I can check out some of the questionable sources, with the fore knowledge and cautions you have presented.

Independent research is important. It is good to know some sources for dependable info (at least at the moment) about 9/11.