Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Herb Smith and I discussed many pertinent topics last night in a phone interview with our friend Vyz. This is a landmark webcast because it was Vyz's last program before his move to more a congenial neighborhood. Some of the language we used is not suitable for all ages--but it was a fun, relaxed conversation. And we thank Vyz for having us on for the last show recorded at his old digs.


Joe Jalbert said...

Got up at 3:00 AM to answer e-mail. checked out your site. Listened to VYZYGOTH's last transmission and discussions with you and Herb. Good stuff. Especially your comments about how most folks must believe in fairy tales. They can't handle reality and the illusions created by the media and controllers employed by it. I don't talk to my wife about this anymore because she is the type who must block out reality. She believes in fairytales.

Herb's belief that one must keep a group small also makes sense because there will be distractions and detractors the larger you get.

Will all this research go anywhere? Will the majority of people wake up? Probably not, but what you do and say is important to the human spirit. Those who do not believe in fairytales need to know that there are like animals out there who do not always eat the grass at their feet but look up to the sky, to the stars and know. There is a spirit of truth out there.

Thanks for being there and for being true to your spirit.

Andy said...

Thanks--that comment made my day. I always have so much fun talking with Vyz that I forget about the pearls of insight that occasionally emerge.

Anonymous said...

That was a bitter sweet show with all of you guys and dolls as I sit here heading into Manhattan on this New World Order anniversary of the 11th and death of my cousin in the towers. She never knew what was coming - I hope, but not the DC duped Change kind.

We all have to keep doing what were doing, at least that is how I see it for myself. I can't keep my mouth shut when I see a cognitive dissonance opportunity with a stranger on what's really going on. I've pulled back some as you guys know, getting over my anger and contempt at the people who don't get it yet, realizing it will take longer form some people to have their "Oh Shit!" moment once they get off the surrogate nanny state media juice.

I might catch some of the church choir events this weekend to see some of the people I know, but mainly I'm here to get away from the district of criminals and see family, which is sorely needed after this gawd awful move. The bank finally took my landlord''s house and sold it to some lucky Monopoly player, so we had to be out quick. It has been a depressing move, as Vyz said of his own, seeing my life in boxes on top of having to get rid of so many things. Maybe someday too I can be the proud owner of a future home repossession. This part of Jersey smells interesting here on 95.

I agree with Joseph on appreciating what the three of you Lone Gunmen are doing and for being there.

I miss talkin' with you guys. Hope to do so, soon.

Shoot low boys, those bankers and politicians are ridin' shetland ponies.


Andy said...


Your moral support means more than I can say. Thanks.

Best of luck in your new digs, and a speedy recovery from the trauma of moving.
