Sunday, March 13, 2011

Well, That About Does It For 9/11 Truth

Thanks, Charlie.


Andy said...

And it isn't so much Charlie, per se, as the public perception of Charlie. That's the killer.

Joe Jalbert said...

Let's see if I have this right.

The media crucifies Charlie for his bimbo blond sleep ins who baby sit his kids. Film Charlie reacting when he is being crucified.

Then Prison Planet has Charlie speak ? Who is being set up here?
Charlie ? The truth movement ?

What is Prison Planet doing if not discrediting the truth movement by sponsoring someone who has the correct opinion, as we know it, but has been grilled as a wacko by the media.

We know Charile is right. It's a government inside job but the media is the government sponsor of their conspiracy theory.

The truth will come out eventually.

Andy said...

Two things to shout from the housetops: 1)Just because Charlie Sheen believes something doesn't mean it isn't true. 2)The opinions of Charlie Sheen or anyone else are irrelevant in the scheme of things.

herb said...

Remember that Charlie Sheen's father is a Jesuit and Charlie made a reference to "Vatican assassins."

This is just to discredit "truthers."

Andy said...

Yep. Sometimes you need a little help shooting yourself in the foot.