The opening salvo:
Well they have finally done it. The crew at Cafe Domenico and their far left thinking have finally created so uncomfortable an environment for normal thinking folk that I cannot and will not continue to give them my business. On September 24, 2007 at 7:00 PM they are hosting "Herb Smith' (whoever he is...most likely 100% without legitimate credentials or a Professor at one of our left leaning colleges...think Ward Churchill"). Anyway he is "lecturing" regarding "how jet fuel alone could not topple the towers", in other words their is a far right contingent within OUR GOVERNMENT that chose to kill 3,000 of its citizens. The follow up to that I am sure would be so the President could finish his dads war or so that we could take Iraqi oil (funny how we have not done so). I can't wait to see where Rosie, Danny, Sean, Susan and the like leave off and "Herb" picks up. Its ok guys I am certain that you will have an audience full of 20 somethings (most of which have absolutely no direction or plan for their life) with their fingernails painted black "goth" style eager to swallow your rhetoric. To those of you 20 somethings I say question what they are selling. To the rest of you I say boycott Cafe Domenico and help show its proprietors how they have benefited from capitalism. Free speech is an awesome and valued right of AMERICAN citizens, so is the right to chose where we spend our hard earned AMERICAN dollar!
Maybe Herb and the crew from Cafe Domenico can get a grant from the Iraqi government or some other middle eastern company to open a coffee shop there!
Of course these are just my opinions.
(I wonder if this will inspire a boycott, as well . . .)
Maybe Herb and the crew from Cafe Domenico can get a grant from the Iraqi government or some other middle eastern company to open a coffee shop there!
Of course these are just my opinions.
(I wonder if this will inspire a boycott, as well . . .)
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