Sunday, July 27, 2008


I haven't even looked at this site since I last posted. Today I deleted all the interminable strings of carping and sniping emails involving planes vs. no planes, Rick vs. Sophia, jew stuff, etc. It felt good. If someone writes me personally, I can take it, but I don't want to be ringside at any more digital middle-school food-fights. I've blocked the worst offenders. Senders with whom I've established a personal correspondence are exempted from this interdict.

I sent the letter below to the O-D a couple of weeks ago--and re-sent it, but the brain-constipated editor refuses even to acknowledge it. To hell with the Observer-Dispatch. Why read newspapers, watch television, and listen to radio when you can achieve a much pleasanter state of unreality by drinking beer and listening to good music? You can live in your own denial and I'll live in mine.

I couldn't help but listen to the battle royal between Profs Fetzer and Barrett available for download from this page. There are no heroes here. Fetz was supposed to stifle the talk of TV Fakery and allied topics while Kevin Barrett was running for Congress, so as not to taint the latter's campaign. But Fetz, being Fetz, couldn't contain his enthusiasm for this new 9/11 tinkertoy. Harsh words ensued. Toward the end of this program, Morgan Reynolds quotes Ayn Rand: "There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." But what about when one side is marked by intellectual bullying and posturing, and the other is compromised by a personal political agenda? Somewhere, Hegel is smiling.

The TV Fakery faction may have a point, in that everything on TV is certainly fake, but their no-planes-at-the-WTC fundamentalism wearies me. (All fundamentalism wearies me, actually.) Supposing you have a credible witness who actually saw an aircraft of some type strike the second tower (or what seemed to be an aircraft--in other words, a technologically advanced hologram), this somewhat damages the position that TV Fakery equals no planes. I know of such a witness, and I am for the moment willing to accept his testimony at face value. Going way out on a limb here, if a hologram were that good, wouldn't it appear on television? Even assuming all the major TV networks were on board with this pageant of destruction, if what appeared to be a plane hitting the second tower were visible to those on the scene, this obviates the need for TV fakery, if not the actual no-plane argument.

All we can be certain of is that the people who planned this event had the technology to get just the sort of effect they wanted, including the creation of a 9/11 Truth Movement that continually discredits itself with infighting, nefarious outside agendas, and brain-constipated fundamentalism. It winds up as a tangled mess of crap that would give anyone but Rain Man a headache.

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