Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Dave McGowan discussed his series "Wagging the Moondoggie" with Gordon Comstock on The Ministry of Truth and the program may be downloaded at this link. It's a great show! (And thanks for the nod, Gordon!)

1 comment:

Geus said...

This is indeed a great show.
I would link it also at my website.

An important point Dave McGowan makes, is that if some one understands that the moon landing was a hoax, it becomes clear that 9/11 was also a hoax, and that John F Kennedy was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.

It is interesting to know who is behind it. From what I found here and there in the last years of researching the source of lies, a person as Teilhard de Jardin comes to mind, that made the Peking Man hoax. Making forgeries of culture and science, while being respected by the scientific community, is what we see reflected in Teilhard de Jardin. Teilhard e Jardin was a Jesuit.

Most forgeries i know about made by Jesuits from the place I live are, that they have set up many Protestant churches. This kinda explains, why these Churches, who should be the first to do research into stuff like this, are deceiving the people. Religion as forgeries. The Bible teaches to keep the Sabbath, but the Churches teach to keep the Sunday. Jesus Christ was killed by Romans, in the same way they killed Spartacus, and any one else refusing to become a slave, but the Churches tell people that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews. While the Roman Church is the biggest Christian Church. O, and the Bible does no where teach that people must be Christians! Contrary, if the Bible is a book of wisdom, it will teach people how to become a normal person.

Other forgeries are the Roman Catholic saints. I saw a discovery channel program once, where a Roman Catholic miracle was checked by scientists, and they discovered that the miracle of this saint was a forgery. The papists said, that this holy nun was not reduced to asses and bones, but her body stayed intact. A miracle. The scientists however discovered, that her body was embalmed. A forgery, a hoax. And this is with everything one sees with Roman Catholicism, lies and deceit. These same Roman Catholics set up Protestant Churches, and will shut down any one telling on them. And when I discuss this with Catholics, they react the same way Dave McGowan describes, they go defend their lies, and stop thinking about it, unless they are forced to think about it.

Gordon Comstock made many great programs. I'm a bit of a fan to his mp3's, that I started listening, when he interviewed Eric Jon Phelps. I think this was in 2008. This year he has started an audio book again, where some hoaxes around the Second World War are described.