Tuesday, December 09, 2014

We need to Talk about Sandy Hook

This video is highly recommended by some of my Facebook friends.


Anonymous said...

I viewed the 1st 45 minutes. It's a well produced film for sure. For myself though, I saw a video on youtube ( Hoax Busters Call ) where a marine at a firing range, is using the same assault weapon that Lanza supposedly used. This is a marine, he has proper form in handling the weapon, firing 1 shot at a time, controlled, emptying the clip. I think from the recoil alone where the marines shoulder snaps back hard, that Lanza would have been knocked on his butt. Nuff said, the kid just couldn't have done it.

herb said...

I watched a little bit of it myself. The idea of a kid pulling that off with such accuracy is one of the first things that had me suspicious. My thought was it was a professional hit designed to look like a hoax.

I was initially afraid the idea of a hoax, which seems to spread too quickly, was a set-up and would be refuted making conspiracy theorists look crazy and insensitive. Two years later, however, I'm leaning towards hoax.